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WTB Bond Barrels & Stuff

Johnny Loco

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I’m looking for some Bond Stuff:


4.25” 45/410 barrel (I’m also interested in the 6” Texan Barrel)




44 Special or Magnum Barrel. (Bond is releasing a 6” 44 mag soon but no seperate barrel)


Slim or special grips







Call Bond up, nice folks, ask if they have any seconds. I called them and you had to look real hard to find the very small defect (cosmetic) that made it a second. He also sold me a real nice set of grips at a great price. You got nothing to loose, just do it, you might be really surprised.



I guess I can keep calling until they block my number but they won’t sell me a 6”


I got out of Bonds a few years back after I fired a 454 and got my hand surgery but since I have a short memory, I’m back on them again for snake gun.


I’ve wrung out the Taurus Judges and they suck.


All the plastic capsul shotshells seem to wiggle loose on me or primers come out backward jamming my pistol caliber revolvers, the only shotshells worth a crap are .40 and 45 when you can find them. The 410 AA #8 is always on the shelf and the Bond Don’t lock up.


May I recommend the Smith and Wesson governor,I have one and it shoots very goog I only fire factory ammo 

It is bigger than the bond but 6 shots with a better grip since I have both bond and the governor each has its advantages and disadvantages 

two hits from 38 snake loads and the 4 foot plus diamond back was still alive had to use the shovel ,,I went out the next day to purchase the governor 

shotgun  knockdown targets at sass distant not a problem plastic water bottles really jump. Just my experiences

good luck with your choice


No more govs or judges for me, I find them both big unnecessary clunkers for my purpose.  No more looking around for pistol shotshells when a AA#8 is available everywhere.


The forty to the 45 shotshell ain’t bad even on “real” snakes. Many folk have never encountered a large snake. The kinda snake that makes one want for a bigger gun than a 22 or 38.


I hunt 400lb Boars with a 410 Mossberg and Brenneke slugs for entertainment.


My choice for snakes, is Bond...Thanks

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