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Republican Gun Ban

Rooster Ron Wayne

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Remember to send a Email to the State a Federal Representatives .


I emailed our state Senator .

This is a copy of the response I got back .


October 30, 2017 

Dear Mr. Carpenter,

          Thank you for contacting me about gun safety legislation. I appreciate you taking the time to express your views. Your input is, and will always be, welcomed and appreciated.

          As a former Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve, trained marksman, and gun owner, I understand the unique place firearms hold in American heritage and history. Our government will not, and should not, take guns away from responsible gun owners, but we must do more to reduce gun-related violence and implement common sense measures to protect public safety and prevent future tragedies. To make progress on keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, we must work together to find common sense solutions. 

          I support sensible measures to prevent suspected terrorists from purchasing guns and to expand background checks for those buying weapons from private sellers at gun shows or over the internet. I have consistently supported fully funding and implementing the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), the filter put in place by Congress to prevent prohibited individuals such as criminals and the mentally ill from easily obtaining guns. Individuals convicted of domestic violence offenses, people with court-order restraints related to stalking, and convicted felons are already barred under federal law from purchasing or possessing firearms, and this is enforced through background checks. I will continue to support increased funding of the NICS to ensure the safety and security of Americans.

          The NICS system can only be effective if it is fully put to use. Currently, many gun sales are not subject to background checks, including those at gun shows and between private sellers. Any changes to the laws governing the sale and ownership of firearms must be weighed carefully, and we must provide law enforcement with the resources to effectively enforce existing firearm laws. I believe expanding background checks is a necessary step in preventing dangerous individuals from purchasing guns. On June 20, 2016, I voted to support an amendment by Senator Chris Murphy that would set up procedures for improving NICS and   require background checks for gun sales between private sellers. This amendment failed to advance in the Senate.

          We must also work together to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists.   That is why I support closing the “terror gap” to prevent individuals on terrorist watch lists from purchasing firearms. As a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, I am committed to keeping Americans safe from threats at home and abroad. This includes combatting terrorism overseas along with our allies and supporting vigilant law enforcement here at home. On June 20, 2016, I voted to support an amendment by Senator Dianne Feinstein that would allow the U.S. Attorney General to be notified of and stop the sale of a gun to an individual who has engaged in preparing for or assisting an act of terrorism. Commonsense measures like closing the terror gap and improving background checks will help us enforce existing laws and keep lawful guns away from dangerous criminals. 

          In addition to these sensible measures, I believe we must improve school safety, gain a better understanding of the relationship between media violence and gun violence, and increase access to mental health services. Thankfully, health care reform is expanding access to mental health services to millions of Americans, which can help avert the type of violence we've seen in recent years. 

          Although we will never be able to stop every single act of violence, I genuinely believe these measures will help save lives. I will do everything possible to support sensible legislation that will reduce gun violence while respecting the rights of lawful gun owners. Thank you again for contacting me. I always enjoy hearing from you and hope that you take the time to contact me again soon.  For more information, please feel free to visit my website,  http://www.peters.senate.gov , or find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @SenGaryPeters.

Gary C. Peters
United States Senator 


Rooster!!  Mr. Peters needs to be shown the door and advised to leave!!  He is no more a Second Amendment supporter than is Chuck Shumer or Nancy Pelosi!!


When any politician uses the terminology 'gun safety legislation', you know they're full of ****!  


Amen ! 

He needs to start looking for his next job !


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