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Big Iron Challenge at Mason County Marshals Scotville MI Oct. 28

Deuce Stevens SASS#55996

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 It's times once again for the Big Iron Challenge at the Mason County Marshals. The rules are simple. .40 cal or larger. 200 grain bullet for 44-40's, .44s and 45s. 38-40 180 grainers are ok. Must meet power factor of 150 or more.  Categories will be 2 handed, Duelist and Gunfighter. Paleriders are welcome as well and as long as they are following the BP Palerider guidelines. 5 stages followed by our our world famous lunch. Cost is $15. There are traveling trophies as usual for the Big Iron. Of course all shooters are welcome not just those shooting Big Iron.  We will also have some small door prizes as well. Come and enjoy the beautiful fall scenery in northern Michigan. You will get to see Straight Arrow Hombre in his natural habitat and he may even catch a salmon out of the stream with his teeth, probably his last sighting before hibernation. Sign up starts at 9am sharpish and shooting starts at 10ish. Looking forward to seeing everyone. 


Sounds interesting. I will see if I can work something out. I can't believe you guys drive this far all the time. That's a 3:00 - 4:30 am departure time for me.

Special shotgun shells? I'll have to check the power factor on my loads I know I'm close.


Found some 214 & 187 power factor ammo in the stash. I will be making the trip. Looking forward to the Big Iron Challenge and a new range.

I'm pretty sure Johnny Rebel will be coming with me.


YeHaw !!


Are you guys running side matches? Need to know what all to bring.


Straight Arrow said I was welcome even if I wasn't welcome. I'll be there.


Slim, I thought you weren't shooting until the New Year do to deer hunting?  Kaya must be filling the freezer. Have a good time all.


Yes, the covered range option is always cool, we use it all winter and it works really well and keeps us shooting. Looking forward to tomorrow morning. 


Great shoot today, with weather that was MUCH better than expected. Thanks for hosting Johnny Rebel and myself.

The Cowboys were great, and the lunch was Top Notch.

What A Great Day.


That lunch! Great food. Thanks to Cindy, who I met for the first time, for a wonderful lunch. I was almost too full to eat the elk backstrap wrapped in bacon that Straight Arrow forced me to eat later.


A super club to visit if you ever get the chance. It sure was great to go home to Michigan to shoot.


Thanks to all.


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