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22 hours ago, Tennessee Stud said:



Thanks.  Ya know...  Charlie Bowdre.... Sassy Laura... Will Reilly... Whiskey Hayes... and you... have never been unkind to me... the TN Warboys... leadership are always nice.   Most of my perceived paranoia... has always been self-imposed.   Haven't been kind to myself.   Several others.... I ain't real smart enough to think of their names right this minute.  But it nobody else's fault.  Mine alone. 


Met you onest... Saint... but when you first saw me with this long hair... you didn't blink, looked at me like I was human.  You showed me 'round to the changes.. and treated me right.  That was one of the firsts for anybody I meet...  and I was expecting a strange reaction.  Other than Preston, Laura, Will Reilly, J. Mark Flint, Whiskey Hayes and Blackwaters... and that big, beautiful, bussomy banker's wife... Buxom Boo... you were the first that ever gave me the benefit of the doubt...  from anybody that I have ever met.  


Hope I am still around by then,,, at the 2017 TNWar...





TS - what ever it takes, keep yerself together for the TN State match. I'm doing my darndness to get there, & mostly 'cause I want to meet the feller that names his brace of 1911's Heckle & Jeckle !

There's not a thing about ya that would dissuade me from shakin your hand, not hair, not walk, not talk nor dress.  I'm sincere as a heart attack ........



Dang DT


Max & Ophelia Payne will be there. Looking forward to it.


Yusta B, hope you can make it. Max and Ophelia glad y'all are going to be here.


If anyone needs any Laser work done Klassic Laser Works will be here doing our awards again and I'm sure Single Rose and Taz can take care of any laser work you need done.




Checks in the mail.


Quite a few folks chiming in that I have not seen since last year, a few I have seen along the trail. Looking forward to seeing everyone again.

This will be the first state shoot in a string of state matches for us. Tennessee State, Fall Fandango in New Mexico (if I can get some info about this one) then Bordertown the following weekend. Three weekends, three State Matches. Dang it just doesn't get any better than that.


Can anyone commit on the stages at the Fall Fandango without hi-jacking this thread? We will be in Albuquerque that weekend anyway so I hope we can shoot.


TN Tombstone is an 'Outlaw Missionary'.


His mission:  To seek out where no Outlaw has gone before.  To conquer new regions with Outlaw conversions.

He's comin..... and Hell's comin with him..... :o





10 minutes ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

TN Tombstone is an 'Outlaw Missionary'.


His mission:  To seek out where no Outlaw has gone before.  To conquer new regions with Outlaw conversions.

He's comin..... and Hell's comin with him..... :o








Shouldn't that be "Missionary Outlaw"? Like Missionary Baptists, that's what they do; or are supposed to any way.


I can talk about Missionary Baptists because I am one.


There's a fella... named... Manatee.  I sure would like to show up.  He is a good guy... means a lot to me.  He helped me out... one time...


Sure wished he could be there.  Just one... fine... fella...


I would like to see him soon... ya know...




Tyrel, you have mistaken me for my twin brother from a different mother, Rev, Tom B Stone. He shoots occasionally, mostly on days I should be working.


Stud, I have not seen the great Manatee in a while, I would love to run across him too.





I'll let Manatee know you were asking about him.

I believe he has had some back problems which have kept him from shooting.


Y'all have fun at Wartrace. Unlike Tombstone I can't afford a two week trip to Arizona and also a trip to Tennessee.  Guess I'm gonna have to get Yazoo and her shotgun to rob some more banks.


Last Kiss and I have been to all of the Regulators Reckonings except the first one, I believe was in '03.

Always a good one at Wartrace! And..... there's Bell Buckle.


1 hour ago, Fast Harley,SASS#34953 said:

Last Kiss and I have been to all of the Regulators Reckonings except the first one, I believe was in '03.

Always a good one at Wartrace! And..... there's Bell Buckle.


Harley, you and Last Kiss were the first people I met at my first Regulators Reckoning in '05, back when we parked on the hill




MMMM....Bell Buckle, warm Moon Pie and Ice Cream


Just  talked to Ray to get my camping taken care of. Copperhead, Whiskey Creek, myself and our better halves will be there Wednesday afternoon. Let the party began. Should be a big time at the Sale of Champions Campground.

6 hours ago, Tn Tombstone said:

MMMM....Bell Buckle, warm Moon Pie and Ice Cream


Just  talked to Ray to get my camping taken care of. Copperhead, Whiskey Creek, myself and our better halves will be there Wednesday afternoon. Let the party began. Should be a big time at the Sale of Champions Campground.


We're planning to arrive Wednesday afternoon, too.


See y'all there!


Looks like a good party at the campground is developing.

 We got in some more new targets today, Whiskey has been setting up stages, the new stage building being built where the train was is ready for the roof.

I predict a great time with lots of old friends and some new ones as well. 

Only 6 weeks till the fun begins.





St Eagle, you do have some old friends, me being one of them.:lol:


Cant wait, already getting things ready. Dang 6 weeks is slow. Of course I get to shoot 3 matches between now and then. Still a long time.


I hope those new targets are the ones that cant be missed. You got to pay extra for those. I personally have never been able to find those but Widder has told me about them.

1 hour ago, Tn Tombstone said:

St Eagle, you do have some old friends, me being one of them.:lol:


Cant wait, already getting things ready. Dang 6 weeks is slow. Of course I get to shoot 3 matches between now and then. Still a long time.


I hope those new targets are the ones that cant be missed. You got to pay extra for those. I personally have never been able to find those but Widder has told me about them.


It also helps to shoot magnetic bullets.....:D


and for any knockdowns, ya gotta learn to pull the trigger harder..... :lol::lol:




21 hours ago, Tn Tombstone said:

St Eagle, you do have some old friends, me being one of them.:lol:


Cant wait, already getting things ready. Dang 6 weeks is slow. Of course I get to shoot 3 matches between now and then. Still a long time.


I hope those new targets are the ones that cant be missed. You got to pay extra for those. I personally have never been able to find those but Widder has told me about them.



Tombstone, we may have to get with Widder for his source on Can't Miss Targets, They seem to be pretty hard to find and mighty expensive.



19 hours ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:


It also helps to shoot magnetic bullets.....:D


and for any knockdowns, ya gotta learn to pull the trigger harder..... :lol::lol:





Widder, I'm still waiting on Ziggy to develop and get his magnetic bullets to market.




I have a secret source for my magnetic bullets.


But here lies the unknown factor:    when I hit the target, the Magnetic Bullet Maker (MBM) tells me that those were indeed the 'special' bullets.   But every time I miss a target, I'm told that those particular bullets must have been some of those 'regular' stuff that fell into the 'special bullet' barrel.


This I do know..... when the targets are set real close and my pistols are all loaded up with 5 rounds each of MB's,  when I draw my pistols the targets start sucking the pistol out of my hands until all shots are fired.    Hey, I don't make this stuff up.


Sometimes I think that if I didn't fire the pistol, those MB's would jump right out of the case, speed down the barrel and splatter across those steel targets.    


Hey RED KNEE..... The Enchantress is waiting.






Widder looks like last week at Cleveland one of the non MB's must have gotten mixed in with your special MB's. Before the Tennessee State you need to examine each of your bullets under a microscope to be sure none of the bad ones are mixed in.


See you tomorrow if you and Slater make it to Wartrace.




We plan to be there.


Looking forward to testing out our new magnetic bullets on the Wartrace steel.




1 minute ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

We plan to be there.


Looking forward to testing out our new magnetic bullets on the Wartrace steel.





I'm convinced at least one of the targets is magnetic and thus repels magnetic bullets; just don't know which one :ph34r:

17 hours ago, Tyrel Cody said:


I'm convinced at least one of the targets is magnetic and thus repels magnetic bullets; just don't know which one :ph34r:

Hint: Turn it around the other way. The poles need to be opposite !

18 hours ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

We plan to be there.


Looking forward to testing out our new magnetic bullets on the Wartrace steel.




Widder, it looks like the worked, you shot clean today.




Hey Randy,


Slater and I had a hoot at Wartrace today.   CONGRATULATIONS on shooting a great match and being TOP GUN for the day.


YEP, I shot clean.   My brain hiccuped a couple times but nothing critical or caused the train to jump tracks..... :D


RANDY ST. EAGLE:  5 clean stages.... sub 100.    That's worth bragging about..... ;)


See you at the TN State.




18 hours ago, Tyrel Cody said:


I'm convinced at least one of the targets is magnetic and thus repels magnetic bullets; just don't know which one :ph34r:


9 hours ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:


We just kinda slipped that one in , to see if anyone noticed. 

Yall come




12 minutes ago, Yusta B. said:

Hint: Turn it around the other way. The poles need to be opposite !

Tyrel,Imis, Yusta B, I got to the range really early this morning and demagnetized all the targets. It must have helped since Widder shot clean.


This is shaping up to be a great match. Widder, Slater, Long Gulch, Roma Jane and Cooper came over from East Tennessee to check out the range before State.



2 minutes ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

Hey Randy,


Slater and I had a hoot at Wartrace today.   CONGRATULATIONS on shooting a great match and being TOP GUN for the day.


YEP, I shot clean.   My brain hiccuped a couple times but nothing critical or caused the train to jump tracks..... :D


RANDY ST. EAGLE:  5 clean stages.... sub 100.    That's worth bragging about..... ;)


See you at the TN State.




Thanks Widder, I had a good match today with only one shotgun make-up.


See y'all at the TN State or sooner.



AL State is in the books.   Next good practice for the Southeast Rsgionsnal is TN State.  Numbers are getting close but if you want in we'll work with it.  Just get your app in.


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