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Deer In Church

Subdeacon Joe

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Wonder how he got in? Beautiful creature.


I was in a grocery store in Pennsylvania when I was in high school. A white tail deer walked right in the front doors of the store and was helping himself to radish tops and lettuce in the produce Dept. 

I couldn't believe a couple of redneck dipsticks wanted to kill the deer in the store.

Me, the manager and another kid guided him back out the front doors just as calmly as could be using white towels like bull fighter's capes.

Me and one of those redneck dipsticks "discussed" this a few days later. I figure it didn't take the dentist long to pull those loose teeth.:D

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Forty won't let me forget my unfortunate snake-handling and speaking-in-tongues incident from a few years back.  It wuz that bad batch of greasy meskin tequila, I reckon.

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