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people at the beach

Trigger Mike

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My kids like to dig a kid sized pool at the high tide mark in the sand.  They make it wide enough for 3 of them to get in it.  they dig it right in front of our chairs and umbrellas.  After much work they dig it and as the tide is getting close they play in the water.  They look back at their pending pond and discover a man in his 40s or so who had dyed his hair very light blonde and placed blue circle with red outer rim circle dots like a leopard on over his head had gotten into their hole and had his kids bury him and his wife take their picture, then when my son goes to fix it, this guys son kept kicking the walls back in until his mom cussed him out for it.  My 12 year old said to me, some crackhead ruined our tidal pool.  

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I really do not like "beach people". They have a certain casual obnoxiousness mixed with a fair amount of stupidity and ignorance.


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