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Fedderson 10/22 barrel: UPDATE on 7/30 post

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FJ Fedderson is a reputable barrel maker.  Especially for the Ruger 10/22 and CZ model .22 rifles.


He only lives about 30 minutes from the bunkhouse.


Do any of you fellers use one of his barrels on your 10/22?

I understand his barrels rival any of the well known brands, including KIDD.


Any info you might share is appreciated.




EDIT:  See updated post dated 7/30





Howdy OLG.

A friend of mine took his CZ 452 and put a Fedderson barrel on it.   He says its noticeably more accurate.


His shop is basically down the road from me and I think I will make a visit tomorrow.   Talking with them today, it appears they have what I am looking for:   16.25" BULL barrel, stainless and threaded.  


I might have to take a copy of my FFL with me....... just in case..... ;)





where is he located? Link? My CZ 452 shoots terrible



if my memory serves me correct, his website is:   fjfedderson.com


He's located in Loudon, TN.   Thats just a little west of Knoxville and the Maryville area.


His listed phone numbers on the website are:

865 / 408-1545

800 / 726-7388







good morning.     I've looked at those receivers on the website and they look impressive.


Do you have one of those receivers also?


I plan to visit his shop and use some of the 'Bunkhouse Boss' money.   This afternoon, I could be back on the farm sighting a new barrel..... ;)





I didn't know that I could test fire any of them because the lady at the front desk didn't mention any of that.


Anyhow, I bought his stainless, bull barrel, 6.25" and on of his nickeled receivers.   VERY impressive workmanship.




16 minutes ago, J. Mark Flint #31954 LIFE said:

The terms of my employment prohibit posting pictures of myself or my weaponry upon penalty of extermination


:lol: Don't you have an Ambulance to go chase then? :P



I wish I could talk about being a 'crack shot' but heck, I can't even hit the flying birds at a Cowboy match with my 12 ga.


Lumpy:  I got the nickeled receiver also.  Its got the picatinny rail built into it.    This thing is SOLID.

I'm gonna put it all together in my 'sky blue' Boyd's stock that has 'stippled' type checkering.   Beautiful stock.





Thanks for the info Lumpy.   Great minds think alike because I already done it before I saw your post.


My bolt is much smoother working inside that nickeled receiver.  


Looking forward to seeing just what it will do on small targets at 30, 40 and 50 yards.





For now, I'm using a NIKON 3-9 with AO, fine crosshair with TINY dot.   Or it looks like a tiny dot where the hairs cross. (I don't think its really cross hair).


I've got it sitting in a Boyd's stock.   When I test it out, I plan to test it with free floating barrel and also with a minor pressure point out close to the end of the forestock.


Do you have any suggestions?





Go with it, Nikon is great glass. You may(or may not:lol:)want to look at Vortex

Also try different action mounting screw torque with the stock. I run mine at 15 in/lbs.

Make sure the TD screw is not touching the bbl.

I run my 'V' block bbl clamp screws at 10 in/lbs.




Great minds do still think alike.


I was gona test mine with those torque lb settings.

I'll let you know the results, hopefully within a week or so.





UPDATE:   7/30


I've installed my new Fedderson barrel and the Fedderson nickeled receiver, which helps smooth up the action.


So far, it shoots very well.   Here is the surprise:   it functions (feeds and ejects) the CCI QUIET ammo.


I didn't change out any springs or change out any internals.   Nor did I mess with any springs.   But that little jewel will let me put 10 CCI QUIET .22's in the mag and run em out like a normal .22's


I may load up my BX-25 mag tomorrow and pop off 25 rounds of QUIET ammo just for the fun of it.


Its almost like having a suppressor on a rifle.   The only drawback is that the QUIET ammo isn't as accurate as I would like.


LUMPY:  how do you like that info?  :D





YES, I use a recoil buffer.


I might suppress it later, but just don't want to spend the $$ for that right now.






Beyer has a second twist available it might be for the quiet load, don't know.

Might be worth checkin out.

Sounds Purdy good so far.




1 hour ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

YES, I use a recoil buffer.


I might suppress it later, but just don't want to spend the $$ for that right now.




Ya ain't get'n any younger.......:lol: :P

Suppressed .22, is so much fun! ;)


On 7/26/2017 at 5:42 PM, Hillbilly Drifter said:

where is he located? Link? My CZ 452 shoots terrible

I am surprised your CZ 452 shoots terrible.  I have a Silhouette model and at 100 yards off sandbags with Remington match ammo it is a tack driver.  I believe a test target is included in the box it cames in.


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