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Set Your Clocks

Subdeacon Joe

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Fortunately, or not depending on your point of view, we use our cell phones for alarm clocks so we don't worry about the time change.  Now to go to the rest of the clocks in the house and change them...........

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8 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

Spring back, fall forward.












I think.  ;)

Spring forward, fall back


I know :o

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Oh, horse's feathers.
Now I got to dig up the foundation on the sundial and rotate it one hour's worth and then pour fresh concrete.

I hate this time change thing.

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1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

Don't recognize DST in Arizona.  One more minor aggravation I lost when I moved here.  :rolleyes:

That's because it is ALWAYS SUNNY in Arizona! :lol:

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There's a lawmaker in Michigan who wants to get rid of this all over! I'm all for it! 


Believe it or not there's an increase in heart attacks and strokes, car accidents and general chaos on the Monday after the time change so be careful out there tomorrow!!:P

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