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Is anyone watching "Taboo"?

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I really like the show so far. I'm just up to Episode 4, so no spoilers please.

I just made this for a "hat band". It is to ensure that should I perish, I'll have at least 2 shillings to ensure that I am buried deep enough!


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Great take on the East India Company too! I spent a while explaing to her how amazingly powerful and influential it was. Most people have no idea.

Imagine the Disney Empire or awalmart with their own troops.



Edited by Utah Bob #35998
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I liked Hardy in Mad Max: Fury Road... also his part in Pinkey Blinders Netflix episodes. (<- Think that was the name of it. Watched that on my daughter's tablet-deal.)


For Taboo...had to cut-on the hospital TV "closed-captioning"... 'cause them folks don't speak American, Italian or German.


Ya know... when yore in the hospital pushing a thumbbutton to get relief from pain... Taboo is extremely bizarre. WEIRD! Afterds... a man can have some really, really wild-a$$ dreams.



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