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I think they do when they are in the cocoon building phase.


but after that, your guess is as good as mine.





Nope. They work 24/3. :-)

72 hours.


I had to Google it out of curiosity.


I hear they unionized long ago, so. no. maybe?

Right, only 8 hours a day but they take a 10 min break every hour so technically they are on duty only 6 hours 40 minutes but then they have an hour lunch break (by union contract) so it only comes down to 5 hours and 40 minutes. I may be off in some of my calculations but then again I was never in the union. :)























Ooops1 Sorry, I thought we were talking about Air Traffic Controllers.


Howdy Pat.


Are those 3 days the time spent making their cocoon?






In the end, they get boiled and the silk is pulled off the cocoon. It takes about 30,000 cocoons to make one silk jacket.


In the end, they get boiled and the silk is pulled off the cocoon. It takes about 30,000 cocoons to make one silk jacket.


Why would a silkworm want to wear a silk jacket?




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