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Meanwhile at the 7/11

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WOW!! Stopped at a 7-Eleven to get a soda and when I pulled in I noticed these two cops looking at a woman who was smoking while fueling up and I'm thinking wow, what an idiot.. with the police standing right there!
So I go in and got my soda and as I was checking out, I hear someone screaming "look outside!!" so i do and what do we all see?
The woman's arm was on fire!!!
This chicks running around like a chicken with its head cut off, waving her arm around and just going nuts!. Those of us inside go out and the cops take her to the ground and put the fire out with an extinguisher. After all the craziness is over, I start walking to my car and I see that the cops were putting her in handcuffs.
This dude walking next to me is like, "what the heck?!?" I kinda stick around cause it looks like this guy is a bit of a jerk and I wanna see what happens. Well...being the jerk I thought he probably was, he asks the cops what in the world they were arresting her for, after all, wasn't catching her arm on fire punishment enough for her stupidity? I couldn't believe what happened next - the cop looked him dead in the eyes and said, "For waving a Firearm".

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Reminds me of the one about the cat the had it's tail cut off by a car driven by a veterinary doc. Doc reattached the tail with the help of a passerby. But that's as far as I can go with this one. Y'all will have to finish it.


If you don't know it ask Sawyer!

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