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Loaning guns in NY is a problem!

Nickel City Dude

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On another thread on the wire they were discussing letting prospective members try out your guns. This sounds good in but in New York it is not legal. I can’t even go to my local gun dealer and handle a gun unless I first show him my Pistol Permit. Technically I cannot let another person try out my hand guns unless they also have my guns on there permit. (In NY every single hand gun you own is on your permit). Now with that said I am sure that it happens all the time and the only shortfall would be if someone injures themselves or others would the law give you a hard time. My point is in NY we cannot legally loan our guns to prospects. Any one have an solution for this problem?

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Yes, I would love to move to another state but my wife will not leave her grand kids and I still have 2 elderly parents that live here and I can't abandon them.

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I believe there is a exemption for loaning a gun at a certified match,but would have to check on that.

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I sent an e-mail to the NY state police to verify what is allowed under the law,will have to see if or when they respond,I'll do a copy and paste of their answer when(if) I get one.

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Move to the USA.


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Company I worked for in Oregon was headquartered in upstate NY. They closed down our facility (Because of Obama's Medical device tax to pay for Obamacare). They wanted me to move to NY and made me a very very nice move offer. Was considering till I found out what I would have to go through to get my guns there (well the ones they would let me).


I feel for my friends in Upstate having to deal with the whims of NYC.

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No one 21 or older can handle a handgun with out a permit. 14 to 21 can handle while supervised by a permit holding adult, LE or military personel. Long guns can be shot at 12 years old. Handguns can be shot by another permit holder while in the presence of the owner.


Having said that, Dude you insist on putting this stuff out there. I do not know if you are trying to be helpful or just paranoid. Last year you posted some other thing about lever action rifles. Give it a break!! You put stuff out there for the whole world to see. Thanks but no thanks.

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Getting the conservatives or even anti anti-gun folks to vote is key.


Not to hijack this thread too bad, it's said that most voters in NY State stay home on election day, because NYC voters trump them at every turn. Not sure how true this is, but it is a similar factor in NJ.

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God I love the South!!!!!

got my 1st 22 at 6. Got my 32 at 8. by the time I join the Navy I had a full collection of firearms, at my Grandparents house in Mississippi.

Here in Florida I've got 2 safes full and working on a 3rd, no permits, 3 stamps, and a CC, no worries


Chicken Scratch

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No one 21 or older can handle a handgun with out a permit. 14 to 21 can handle while supervised by a permit holding adult, LE or military personel. Long guns can be shot at 12 years old. Handguns can be shot by another permit holder while in the presence of the owner.


Having said that, Dude you insist on putting this stuff out there. I do not know if you are trying to be helpful or just paranoid. Last year you posted some other thing about lever action rifles. Give it a break!! You put stuff out there for the whole world to see. Thanks but no thanks.

How much are those permits? Sounds like a money maker for the state. New Yorkers need to revolt! Considering NY was part of the original 13 colonies and stood up against the tyranny of England it's a damn shame the citizens of a once great state allowed this to happen. The thought police would lock me up in NY.

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Assassin in theory it sounds good; in practice its impossible!! Up until the un-SAFE ACT it was a lifetime license. You paid all fees one time at application, out of NYC. Now it has to be re-newed every 5 years with no cost now!! Who knows in the next 5 year renewal.

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Having said that, Dude you insist on putting this stuff out there. I do not know if you are trying to be helpful or just paranoid. Last year you posted some other thing about lever action rifles. Give it a break!! You put stuff out there for the whole world to see. Thanks but no thanks.


I just put this "stuff" out there to inform other New Yorkers and to warn pards in other states that they could be next if they don't watch out and vote. As to the lever guns, in NY if your lever guns magazine can hold more than 10 rounds it is not legal in NY. This all happened when the new SAFE Act became law. The reality is that very few Law people will take the time and effort to check your magazine unless they are already arresting you for something else and then they will pile on any and all charges they can think of.

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I love Idaho!!!!

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So with all that has been said how would an out of state person like myself (from Colorado) go about shooting a match in NY?

Is it possible? and what kind of hoops/regulations would apply?




Gateway Kid

If to much of a hijack let me know and I will delete

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I believe there is some Federal law that allows someone from another state to bring his guns into a different state for the purpose of shooting an NRA sanctioned event. I have been told that you can have your guns in the other state for 48 hours before and 48 hours after the event. You must also have a flyer or registration form with you to prove your are going to an out of state match. Not positive about this but this is what I have heard.

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I believe there is some Federal law that allows someone from another state to bring his guns into a different state for the purpose of shooting an NRA sanctioned event. I have been told that you can have your guns in the other state for 48 hours before and 48 hours after the event. You must also have a flyer or registration form with you to prove your are going to an out of state match. Not positive about this but this is what I have heard.


In NY you are allowed to bring your guns in 48 hrs before a shoot and must leave within 48 hrs when the shoot is over. You also must have a confirmation from the shoot that you are a registered participant. In addition you must have a Concealed Carry Permit from your state of residence in order to go to a shoot in NY with your guns. Again that is NY, most other STATES do not put a restriction on gun ownership or possession. This is NOT the Feds that are doing the restriction, it is NY.


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Thanks for the clarification, I was not sure about the law on this point.


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In NY you are allowed to bring your guns in 48 hrs before a shoot and must leave within 48 hrs when the shoot is over. You also must have a confirmation from the shoot that you are a registered participant. In addition you must have a Concealed Carry Permit from your state of residence in order to go to a shoot in NY with your guns. Again that is NY, most other STATES do not put a restriction on gun ownership or possession. This is NOT the Feds that are doing the restriction, it is NY.


What if your state of residence is a no-permit to carry state?


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What if your state of residence is a no-permit to carry state?


Again, move to the USA. (Sorry OLG, couldn't resist). ;)

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Please stop putting stuff on the Wire about gun laws as a fact if you don't know what you are talking about. Ask it as a question. Otherwise, you do more damage with incorrect info than the anti gunners do. Tom Payne (who has an FFL, teaches NYS pistol permit classes, and works in a gun shop in NY) was correct about loaning guns in NY. Nickel City Dude was wrong about this. Kid Rich was partially correct in his response about having pistols at a match in NY; however, you do NOT necessarily have to have a Concealed Carry permit from your home state. (Please note that NYS does not recognize concealed carry permits from any other states. You cannot carry concealed in NYS unless you have a NYS concealed carry permit.). What you DO have to do is follow the rules for owning a handgun in your state of residence. If your state does not issues permits (concealed carry or otherwise), that does not preclude you from shooting in NY. Also, it should be noted that the 48 hrs before and after an NRA sanctioned event pertains only to handguns, not rifles and shotguns. The best thing to do when traveling to another state is to contact the State Police prior to taking firearms into that state as the laws change frequently. We have been hosting Heluva Rukus, the NY State CAS Championship, at our club for 16 years. It is one of the largest matches in the country, normally having 225-275 competitors from 17-18 states and Canada participating. All of our CAS, WB, and Action Pistol matches (monthly and annual) are NRA sanctioned. We put the basic laws for having/transporting guns within the state on our website (www.circlekregulators.com) and on each person's confirmation. Follow the laws, and all is well.

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Another reason that I love Montana!!!



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I know you think you are correct but I am only repeating what my local FFL Gun dealer told me about the hand gun laws.

I know for a fact about the restriction of 10 rounds max in a long gun because I have personally researched this issue and have reached out to my local Assembly man to try to change the law. He is a Demorat so very little happened to correct the law.

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All this stuff has changed many times since I moved out of N.Y. but I sure don't have any reason to go back to live. Utah is not my/our first choice for other reasons, however based on gun regulations, it is one of the top choices in the nation. New York would toss away the key to my cell if I /We ever went back there to take up residence!

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I believe there is some Federal law that allows someone from another state to bring his guns into a different state for the purpose of shooting an NRA sanctioned event. I have been told that you can have your guns in the other state for 48 hours before and 48 hours after the event. You must also have a flyer or registration form with you to prove your are going to an out of state match. Not positive about this but this is what I have heard.

NY frequently ignores Federal laws regarding transportation of firearms. There are many anecdotal stories of air travelers with flight changes in one of the NYC airports that have firearms carried legally in their checked baggage and when because of their connecting flight cancelation picking up their bags at baggage claim & being arrested by NY LEO's.

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Life is too short to shoot in some states. Sadly, New York is one of them.

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Life is too short to shoot in some states. Sadly, New York is one of them.

I agree with you MM, we are also lucky here in Wyoming to have the freedom that we enjoy. NY has become overcivilized and unfortunately freedom is diminished there.

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