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WOW! What a revelation! (not to be confused with the Western Auto brand)






The results, however, took an odd turn says Bob Clementine, the lead researcher and grant manager of the project. “We found very similar results with the most evil looking gun as we did with the funny looking dummy guns. A gun, regardless of it’s type, appears, by all scientific and measurable standards, to be inanimate and doesn’t seem to be capable of evil or good.” He says the only action recorded in the room were the oxidation of metal and dust gathering, both of which pose no threat to human lives and is “incredibly boring to watch.”

The research group has come up with several likely possibilities as to why the guns didn’t react violently to the cardboard cutouts. Clementine says that guns may require an outside force to make them shoot but more likely, he says, it’s because the guns didn’t sense any fear. “Guns feed on fear and panic,” he says, “and cardboard generally doesn’t exhibit any of those emotions.” He adds that more research, along with more big ticket federally funded grants, will be required to reach any definite conclusion.



Somehow I believe this is a "joke site".


Go to the bottom and look at "OTHER ARTICLES".



>Fight for 15 Backfires, Employers Turn to Rescue Chimps to Do Menial Tasks

Jun 20, 2016


Man Frustrated After Kite Flying Attempt Ends A Category Five Hurricane

Feb 20, 2016


Focus Group: Donald Trump Thinks So Fast, He Skips Thought Processes and Rockets Straight to Conclusions

Jan 15, 2016


Cow Tipping to be Included in Dutch Country Experience Tours

Oct 16, 2015


New Study Finds An Ounce of Gun is Worth A Pound of Police

Oct 9, 2015<


Kite flying attempt ends a Category Five hurricane?


Somehow I believe this is a "joke site".





It IS???




I never would have guessed it!!!


The unfortunate thing is that it sounds a lot like the CA Legislature. Especially "Clementine says that guns may require an outside force to make them shoot but more likely, he says, it’s because the guns didn’t sense any fear. “Guns feed on fear and panic,” he says, “and cardboard generally doesn’t exhibit any of those emotions.”


I'm sure that de Leon would be surprised that cardboard doesn't exhibit emotion.



Thanks for the link.


The Lighter side of the Light of Truth.

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