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Hello everyone- my wife and I are thinking about trying CAS, and I need some help with the pistol requirements. Am a bit overwhelmed by the Shooters Handbook, so am hoping for some clarity here.


My wife has a Vaquero in 45LC already. I've got my eye on a Magnum Research BFR in 454 Casull, which would give ammo commonality with the Vaquero. That would give us two revolvers, so we'd meet that requirement as long as we don't have to both shoot at the same time.


What's got me confused is whether the BFR would be acceptable. It has modern target sights. Also, both pistols are stainless steel, which is not exactly "old west". Would this combination work under the rules?


Also, do you have to have the rifle and shotgun to participate, or can you just shoot the pistol part?


Would appreciate any thoughts.


Thanks, Mark


As long as you are still in the THINKING stage and you haven't laid down your hard earned cash....


Look up the local clubs. Find out when they shoot. You and the lovely lady head out and visit the shoots.

You will find the people there more than willing to show you what fun you have been missing along with passing one some great information.

You will also get a chance look at and most likely try the cowboy guns they are using.

You probably will not find anyone using a BFR.


My advise is free. I think you will find it worth the price.


At a cowboy shoot you are required to shoot two pistols, a rifle and a shotgun during most scenarios.

Posted (edited)

Yes - you will need 2 revolvers, a lever action or pump rifle and a pump or lever action or double barrel shotgun.

Edited by Yusta B.

Hi Mark and welcome! You are in for a fun ride. I'm relatively new to SASS myself, a bit over 2 years but will try to help.


1) Go to the SASS website and look up clubs in your area. Contact the person listed for the club(s) you're interested in, explain your situation.

2) Most folks are more than happy to let new shooters try out different firearms, leather to help find what is going to fit them.

3) The BFR may be a bit much, most people have a matching set of pistols for a variety of reasons: uniformity, commonality, ease of use.

4) Stainless is not a problem. I have a pair of Ruger New Model Bisley Vaquero in .45 Colt. My shotgun is a Stoeger SxS in rough nickel finish.

5) I don't have the SASS rules here, but I think there might be some class limitations with the BFR due to modern sights. I could be mistaken but someone will jump in here.

6) Most clubs should be very accommodating in getting you both shooting. Maybe not actually in a match first time, but work you through a stage or two. Just get in touch beforehand and they will be happy to welcome you in.


Good luck and keep us posted.


As long as you are still in the THINKING stage and you haven't laid down your hard earned cash....


Look up the local clubs. Find out when they shoot. You and the lovely lady head out and visit the shoots.

You will find the people there more than willing to show you what fun you have been missing along with passing one some great information.

You will also get a chance look at and most likely try the cowboy guns they are using.

You probably will not find anyone using a BFR.


My advise is free. I think you will find it worth the price.


At a cowboy shoot you are required to shoot two pistols, a rifle and a shotgun during most scenarios.


Welcome!! Please go visit a match first. Introduce yourselves to the friendly folks there. You'll have to fend off folks trying to give you information and offering you insights into the different guns and equipment. Handle the different rifles and shotguns before you go buying.


The BFR has a 5-chamber cylinder. I don't remember it having a firing pin rest between chambers. Therefore, since we require you to start with the hammer down on an empty chamber, you'd only be able to load 4. Which means you'd have to load one "on the clock" every stage. This might cause you and your wife some frustration as you progress.


I don't know where you are, but if you're anywhere in the Carolinas, you're not far from a match!

Posted (edited)


The Modern Sight guns can not shoot in Classic Cowboy, Frontier Cartridge (?), Duelist, Gunfighter ( without looking, I'm not sure about B-Western ) BUT are fine for the regular "age based" catagories.

I suppose you've discovered that this is a pricey game to get in on. Something to consider over the long run is ammunition costs. Big, Fat bullets cost a lot more than say, .38s. I know you are trying to get started with what you have. That BFR really is a bit much for this- yes, you can use it. You will also need leather for it , and speed of handling was not a consideration in it's bank vault like strength. There is a reason my Freedom Arms model 83 in . 454 will never see a SASS shoot , unless it's a side match . I started out with .45 Colt Vaqueros ( the original type, not the New Vaquero, which is Colt SAA sized ), and it was fun, but then I was shown how .45 Schofield brass could be used to better advantage ( for the game ) in the handguns, with the softball loads they made possible. Then there were the .357 Blackhawks I went to ( and needed new holsters for them ), shooting a 95gr. lead bullet cast for .380 Auto reloading , then the first several rifles in the search for the "perfect" .38 cal rifle ( with a new belt with loops for .38s instead of .45s )... and so it goes!!!

Get a plan to get you started, and see it through. Get comfortable, and see where you want to go from there!

Edited by Conestoga Smith, SASS #18219


All of the information detailed above is solid and is a smple of what you will get and see at a match.

Two more thoughts:

1) 95% of the shooters that I see shoot

Rugers or Colt/Colt copies of the SAA

a Uberti 1866 or 1873, Win 1892 copy or Marlin 1894

SxS, Win 1897 (or copy) or Win 1887 copy shotgun

2) singleshot shotguns can be used in CAS. The shotgun is where most shooters make up serious time. One way of getting into CAS is buying your competition pistols and rifle, and shooting a singleshot shotgun while you determine which shotgun you prefer. They can be had for $100 used or $175 new. Most shooters already have one in their safe.


Hello Mark VII,

Welcome! :)


I would take Ace of Hearts advise. I think you will find that if you go to a match you will meet so many nice people that will be willing to help you figure things out for what you would need and it would give you an idea on what you would need.


I really wish I had done this when I was getting started. I didn't know how wonderful the people of SASS were at the time. It would have saved me a lot of time and frustration and I wouldn't have purchased equipment that I ended up regretting later.


Kindest regards,

Pat Riot


Howdy Mark VII (wasn't that the company that produced Dragnet?)


Let us know what part of the country you're from. If you lucky enough to be in The Republic and on top of that around the town that's hosting the Super Bowl I'm inviting you to come out and I'll get you and the Mrs. all set up to shoot a couple of matches--guns, ammo, the whole kit and caboodle; you might need a hat but that's optional :D


What is said above is all great advice. Read the rules and such and find a club you can visit.


Almost all of us had folks show us the ropes and cowboys are great examples of 'paying it forward'


...and keep those questions coming. There's a wealth of knowledge here on the Wire




If you buy the BFR do it for hunting or whatever but not CAS, it is totally unsuited for this game. For the price of a BFR you can easily get two SIXguns that are suited for the game. Much more harmonious outcome than thinking a big honking 5 shooter is going to work out at all.


If you buy the BFR do it for hunting or whatever but not CAS, it is totally unsuited for this game. For the price of a BFR you can easily get two SIXguns that are suited for the game. Much more harmonious outcome than thinking a big honking 5 shooter is going to work out at all.

Right before I started cas, I was very close to buying a BFR in 45-70. You're right in that for the same price, two six guns can be, and in my case were, had.

Posted (edited)

I could be wrong, but doesn't the BFR in 454 have a 5 round cylinder capacity? SASS rules say hammer down on empty chamber or spent cartridge. That would mean you'd have to load only 4 then reload one for our standard 5 round per pistol scenarios. On some pocket pistols there's a notch between chambers for the hammer to rest. Does the BFR have that? And is it Single action only or double action? Like several have said already, the price for one of those would be equal to 2 cowboy 6 guns.

Edited by Charlie Whiskers
Lone Dog, SASS #20401, on 23 Jan 2017 - 11:20 PM, said:

Charlie the BFR is a single action just not a single action to campaign in the Single Action Shooting Society



Thanks, I wasn't sure about the single or double action part. I've never had the urge to own one let alone handle one. I was going to buy a Desert Eagle at one point until I handled it. I didn't like the way it fit my hands. I do have a Mountain Eagle (22LR) that Magnum Research built back in the 90's. It looks like it weighs a ton, but except for the barrel and action it's all polymer.


As for using it in CAS, like was mentioned by many, it's not the best choice for the money. For what one of those cost you can buy a 2nd vaquero AND a good SxS ; a Johnny Meadows Baikal comes to mind. I have 2 of them and they are built like a tank.



Don't spend a penny until you go to a match, stay til the end, talk to everybody. Someone or lots of someones will offer to let you handle/shoot their guns and try different holsters etc. If you are reluctant to do this you will spend a lot on items that you will later decide are not what you want afterall. Let us know what part of the country you are in and I am sure people will come out of the woodwork offering advice, help "try this".

Then get you an original, funny cowboy name and hang on, it's a hoot.


These are some of the best people in the world, they even let me come back and play

Posted (edited)



Edited by Ace_of_Hearts

Welcome to the dance .

Go check things out at a local shoot.

Yoj will see and understand so much more that way.


Good morning everyone- thank you for all the replies and suggestions. We're going to take the group's advice and attend a local match to see what all goes on. We've got a couple of possibilities within reach here in SE Michigan.


I see what y'all mean about a BFR not working well. I didn't realize it's a five shooter when I fell in love with one at a gun show. It fit my hand so well (sniff).


Special thanks to Cheyenne Ranger for his invitation. It's incredibly generous. I wish Scotty could beam us to his locatio, but I'm sure we can figure out something here locally.


Though the guns we'd need would involve a few bucks, we should be OK on ammo because I reload.


Thank you again, Mark

Posted (edited)

Go to you local match asap don't worry about not having the gear. Go help out tell them your interested in joining ion on the fun learn help out and after the match I'll bet they LGBT you try out most of the stuff they have plus you'll see how the match works without having to worry about shooting the wrong thing. My first match I had two goals first not to shooting anything that wasn't a target and second not to be dqed.

Edited by Blackey Cole

Go to you local match asap don't worry about not having the gear. Go help out tell them your interested in joining ion on the fun learn help out and after the match I'll bet they LGBT you try out most of the stuff they have plus you'll see how the match works without having to worry about shooting the wrong thing. My first match I had two goals first not to shooting anything that wasn't a target and second not to be dqed.

Huh? LGBT you? What kind of matches are you going to?


That's Blackey's code for "let". :D


Ah ok. Glad you cleared that up. I was going to make a note to never shoot where blackey does. I like to think of myself as a pretty tolerant person, but having someone try to LGBT me is where I draw the line haha.


Dang computer thinks it knows what I want it to say

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Posted (edited)

Dang computer thinks it knows what I want it to say

Very irritating. It's wrong at least half the time.

A spell checker is a good thing.

Guessing at what you are going to type & finishing the word for you is NOT !

Edited by Yusta B.

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