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I like to go the range at least once a month to shoot my S&W M&P 9mm, my S&W Model 67, Model 60, Ruger LC9s, and my Ruger mini 14. My favorite "modern" guns.


How much time do you put in on your Non-Cas guns??


Rye ;)


WHAT? There are non-SASS guns?

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I shoot my Colt Hbar and a Ruger .270 once in a bit. .30 carbine a little more. Just shot my CZ75 9mm for the first time in three years.


My buddy and I (both retired) found some BLM land about ten miles from our houses. We've been neighbors for 17 years and just discovered this about three years ago. We go out every couple of months and shoot a variety of guns. He likes his 10-22 and Remington 1100 20 gauge and Buckmark. I bring out some of the guns I've bought and seldom fired; Howa 1500 (308), Remington 700 (30-06), Czech Mauser, Browning 1886 (45-70).


We do a lot of hand thrown clays, I like to shoot BP in my old Stevens 235 hammer gun and my new to me Winchester 1893.




I don't have to go anywhere to go to the range, so I shoot quite often - almost every day. If not for the lead contamination, I could slide the patio door open, sit in my easy chair, and shoot. I have targets from 15 yards to 500 yards, and can go to 1000 or more if I just got out and lased it off. Also a couple of foot tripped clays traps, and a few lanes with steel CAS targets. You would think I'd be better at this game. :lol:

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I shoot our club's "action pistol" matches (like IDPA but more simple), trap, wobble trap and 5-stand clays. I can't get enough trigger time. Weather in the desert southwest is mild enough we can shoot all year round.


I try to get to the range for my Swede 96, glocks, Ruger LC9, TC Renegade, various 22 rifles and pistols about once a week. I do shoot pistols at home but not rifles.


While I don't go to the range often I do head out back and practice a couple times a month with my Springfield XD40 service model, my RIA 1911a1, Garand, Rem 700 in .270, and with my Mosin Nagant M44.


I go about once a month to shoo, sometimes more. If the weather is bad I hit a little indoor range that I really like. I shoot my S&Ws and CAS revolvers there. If it's nice out, I drive about 25 minutes away from town and hit some pubic land. I shoot my S&W revolvers and my CAS guns, my .22s and my 30-30s. I got rid of my auto loaders (ARs and Glocks) but I never really liked them anyway so I spend more time shooting and less time policing brass :) I kept my 10-22 as my Grandson likes it. Hopefully when he comes this summer I will have 2 matching Henry .22 lever rifles that we can plink with and have our own little target shooting competition with matching guns. :D


I have a new over / under that I want to start shooting clays with this Spring. It's a CZ Upland Ultralight. It's going to have to be outfitted with a recoil pad before I do though. That thing kicks like a mule but it handles really nice.




Since I became an octogenarian, my shooting has been limited to weekly NRA bullseye (.45ACP & ,22), weekly:

carry revolver (.44Spl), hunting revolver (.44Mag), twice each week: BPCR .50-140 3-1/4" Sharps,

and various other rifles and pistols on occasion. I also shoot my ten weekly at clays.


I have 100 yard pistol targets out my back door and a 500 yard range a few steps away.


Shooting is a lot of fun.


CAS & CFDA practice and matches fill a great deal of my spare time.


It sure doesn't hurt that I am retired!!!!


The cowboys I shoot with got me interested in Air Pistol Silhouette. A completely different type of shooting. There is still the instant gratification of Bang / Clang. Since movement is not required, I think I will still be shooting this long after I have to give up Cowboy.




I enjoy plinking with family and friends. We shoot whatever everybody brings.


Cowboy Earl has started putting on muzzle loader trail walks at our range, and I enjoy doing that. We're going to put on our second ever bolt action military match (BAMM) next weekend.


I shoot Bulls Eye Indoor Pistol League twice a week November thru April. I also go to our outdoor range a couple of times a month year round...weather permitting. Usually shoot my varmint & big game rifles. I also shoot trap during the summer a couple of time a month.


I shot a coyote in my backyard with a Browning .22 yesterday evening.

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Rye, I sometimes shoot some "defensive pistol" with some club members. .38 revolver, 1911 A1, and my little .380.
One time I took my 7 1/2" Vaquero .44 mag, but that was unusual.
When the weather's nice I like to plink with my AR 15 and .45 ACP carbine, and I like to keep the varmint guns tuned up.
But cowboying is the main thing.
Heck, I've got a NIB .243 that's two years old, and I haven't got a scope on it yet.


Between varmits on the farm, and plinking i generally shoot almost every day. I do train with some retired military folks bi weekly.


I'm one of the lucky ones, I can step out my back door and shoot out to 900 yards whenever I want. Today I shot the SW 2" model 19 and SW 642 at paper. I can get out steel targets and place all over and use whatever I want at whatever distance I want. I have a couple great nephews who are just getting into shooting. We get out everything 22s, 38s, 45s, 223, 308, 30-06, 45/70 their eyes light up. I just have to limit what I take out, they'd shoot up everything I have. They may never get the chance to shoot as much as we have.


All I have to do is go out the back door to shoot. We have cowboy steel and various distances to shoot. I live on top of a hill so we have to walk a little for safe long range shooting. With that being said, all I have shot in the last several years is Cowboy. I do shoot groundhogs from the bathroom window with a 10-22. Since I'm now retired, I'll probably drag some stuff out of the safe and fire them up.

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Myself, I enjoy many different shooting sports. I enjoy trap with my Rem 1100. I like doing IDPA and some 3 gun. Starting to enjoy some long range rifle shooting too. If it goes bang, it has to be fun. But I have the most fun shooting cowboy action with my friends.


Almost daily in the winter. Have a bunch of custom stuff that I run, like quick twist 243, 6.5 creedmoore, 28 nosler, 308, several sharps cartridges, and muzzleloaders, Gibbs ect. Now that WR is only a month away, i'll work on cowboy more. Springtime on is tougher because I farm, but still shoot a lot! Lucky I can shoot from my garage in bad weather.


I have a lot of non-cas guns and they set in the safe I like my 45/70's 30/30, 44mag. and SSAS guns the 223 has not been shoot in a long time.


I shoot USPSA and 3 gun, have shot rimfire challenge and steel challenge. I started with SASS in 1992 and USPSA in 1988 and 3 gun last year. high school shot small bore indoor gallery and yes the high school did have a rifle team. Bullett 19707


There is an indoor range between work and home. At least once a week I put virtual bullets through a virtual 1911, a virtual SP-101, a make-believe Buckmark or my OMVs.

Virtually, of course.


Guns ?

All of my guns are Virtual .

So I shoot them two to three times a week !


I go to the range once a week. I shoot my Mosin, 1911, and a variety rangeing from smokepoles to an AR. The range is about 4.5 miles from my house. We shoot out to 1000 yds with the Mosins.


Posted (edited)

I like to go the range at least once a month to shoot my S&W M&P 9mm, my S&W Model 67, Model 60, Ruger LC9s, and my Ruger mini 14. My favorite "modern" guns.


How much time do you put in on your Non-Cas guns??


Rye ;)

Usually at least twice a month. In the non cowboy shooting months.


If it's not raining!

Edited by Thunder Creek Kid

I try to get out once or twice a month. I shoot IDPA pretty frequently as well in these colder months while CAS is on a hiatus in my area. Just did a sanctioned shoot this past weekend for IDPA. In the summer I shoot more frequently, I will do the IDPA match the day before the CAS match. Tell my wife its a shooting weekend. That goes over well EVERY time hahaha. Maybe thats why I'm not stellar at either one, because I alternate so frequently. I always say I'm going to pick one and stick to it for a year see how good i get, but I can't bring myself to drop either sport.


Just went today, shot my S&W M&P 9mm, Ruger LC9s, and a new Smoke Wagon I purchased a month ago and just shot it for the first time! ;)


Just went today, shot my S&W M&P 9mm, Ruger LC9s, and a new Smoke Wagon I purchased a month ago and just shot it for the first time! ;)

Did you pay the extra price for them to remove the misses in the Smoke Wagon?




I shoot Trap just about every Sunday, all year long. During the season I shoot once a week in Trap League too.

Other than that I try to get down to the range as often as possible to shoot all those S&W revolvers I have.


Did you pay the extra price for them to remove the misses in the Smoke Wagon?

I got rid of all them today for free!! :)

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