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I met a whole bunch of professional wrestlers in 2003. Every year, the WWE (the current name of the biggest professional wrestling company) goes to Iraq or Afghanistan and puts on a show. I wasn't anywhere near the show, but they came out to my FOB to do a meet-and-greet.


Everyone I met was cool to my face, but I've read not all of them are pleasant people in real life. Several stand out:


- Chris Benoit, who four years later murdered his wife and children before committing suicide.


- "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who has since been arrested for abusing his wife. He was very cool with us, and even held up an American flag when we re-enlisted a soldier.


- Torrie Wilson, a blonde bombshell who was extremely nervous and outfitted in body armor and a helmet. She almost had a nervous breakdown when someone stupidly mentioned the fence 50 feet from us was separating us from people who were desperately trying to kill us. Once she realized all the G.I.s' cameras were snapping, she was back in her element and went full supermodel and smiles.


- "The Big Show," who is billed as being 7 feet tall. He really is. One of my female troops was under 5 feet tall and they posed for a picture together. He broke away from the crowd and shot baskets with a few people who had put up a makeshift hoop and covered the desert sand with portable flightline.


- Eddie Guererro. He became a bigger name a few years later, and then died prematurely. A lot of the non-fans didn't know who he was, so I was able to exchange pleasantries with him for a few minutes. There is a current female wrestler who goes by Sasha Banks who lists him as her inspiration. I'm a fan of hers, too (they have drastically changed the programming regarding women, and they are now treated as serious performers and with respect...I had stopped watching for years because of how nasty they had become with women, but I believe the company is preparing McMahon's daughter to take over running the company, so her influence has caused a massive reversal).


- Vince McMahon himself. I didn't converse with him much other than shake hands. Word on the street is he is a real-life jackwagon, but I don't know.


- "Farooq" aka Ron Simmons. He didn't have much personality.


There were more, but I don't remember everyone.


What celebrities have you met?

Edited by Cyrus Cassidy #45437

Oh I forgot. Once I met Richard "Goose" Gossage, the first Major League relief pitcher to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. The only thing is, I didn't even realize it until minutes later. His hometown is where I currently live, but I never knew that until the announcement about his HoF induction was released.


This was in 2008, the year Gossage was inducted. I was in my friend's gun store, and only one other customer was there. The other customer had made a purchase and was waiting for the background check to come through. I casually mentioned to the store owner, my friend, "Did you hear Goose Gossage got into the hall? That's awesome. No relief pitcher has ever done that before."

The customer walked up and asked me if I liked baseball (baseball is almost a religion for me). He asked if I was a Gossage fan, and I told him, "I just like baseball. I remember him playing when I was a kid, but I wouldn't know him if I saw him..." and a few other things. Fortunately I didn't have anything disparaging to say about him :)


We talked about baseball for a few minutes, but he never told me who he was. The background check came back, and my friend told him he was good to take the gun. The customer excused himself from our conversation, took the gun, and left after exchanging pleasantries with my friend, who called him, "Rich" and smiled at me.



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Posted (edited)

Never met any during my time in that I can recall.

However my Grandsons got to meet Chuck Noris over in the Sandbox at different times. Both said he was very approachable and sincere. Spent a lot of quality off camera time with all the guys.


Was stationed with several guys that were on the Enterprise during the filming of Top Gun. All of them to a man said that Tom Cruise was the biggest south end of a north bound donkey they had ever met. They also said his ego was so bad that he could empty out the ready room faster than a call to general quarters.

Edited by Sedalia Dave

I've never met any that I can think of.


BUT, I once received a Hand Written letter from Bill Jordan. It was in reply to a question I had based on an article in the American Rifleman and Shooting Times.

I still have that letter.

It was very friendly and cordial, almost like he knew me as a good friend.




Posted (edited)

I met the girls from Charlie's Angels at the Fox Studios commissary. We talked for a bit as we ate lunch. Finally I said, "You ladies are better looking in person!" They all giggled and we talked for a while longer and I had to go. Also met the "Love Boat" crowd, the "Dukes of Hazard" people and others...all informally at lunch.


A year or so ago I met Cameron Diaz briefly in line at Starbucks in Brentwood (tony area of Santa Monica). I like her movies and I've watched all of them. I told her she does great work and please keep them coming. She lit up with that movie star smile. Wow. :-)

Edited by Cat Brules, SASS #14086

I've met and visited with Barry Goldwater back in the 70's. He was quite a character. I met George W. Bush at the Del Mar fair before he was an actual candidate. I was coming out of the fine woodworking exhibit and he was going in.


I've been in close proximity to a few celebrities but the time I remember actually meeting some was while I was stationed at Pope AFB. In 1987 Bobe Hope did the Air Force 40th birthday show there and because of us being in engineering we spent a lot of time working at the show site which takes days to actually film. Lots of celebrities were there including Ronald Reagan, whose hand I shook so I suppose that counts. What was really cool though was that during rehearsals we got to sit and watch and Bob Hope, Lucille Ball, and Glen Cambell kept coming out and sitting with me and some buddies. Basically the were taking it easy and kicking back with us during breaks just being people. I thought that was pretty neat. They are the only autographs of anyone that I have. I met Brooke Shields at the same show....she was not a pleasant person to be around.

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Posted (edited)

My son is very much into WWE, He has a book full of autographs, I was with him when he got some of them.


Charlie Daniels

Somewhere I have a signed album from when he first released The devil went down to Georgia, He was signing them at a K-Mart before the concert.


Eddie Albert.

He was walking around a mall in Carbondale Il. after he had appeared somewhere at the college promoting Agriculture, He signed a piece of paper for us but not sure where it is any more- Great guy to talk with.


Ron Howard.

Saw him at Disney World and he had his family with him (1986). I talked to him for a minute (he was ok) and he was trying to keep a low profile but was not having much luck. Later when eating lunch, his family came in and sat across from us and his kid spilled a drink and everybody was making a big deal over him. He really did not want the attention but he was nice about it. I understand why he bought a place in the middle of nowhere and lived there for years.


Buck Taylor.

Saw him couple different times, Last time we were at Silver Dollar City in Branson and I had just finish shooting at the state shoot and was still dressed in my cowboy clothes. They were having Cowboy days and they told me just to walk on into the park as they thought I was working there. (I bought a ticket) When I got to the area he was, we talked for about an hour and everyone thought I was with his group. He remembered me from the other times we met and I stayed a while helping greeting people and showing his drawings and paintings and talking about SASS. I have several pictures with him and some the people were taking pictures of us together.


I met some different starts at Comic-con in Chicago one year, talked to Lou Ferrigno at his booth but he was only about selling stuff, Some WWE guys were there and were the same way. The bigger name stars ( Christopher Lloyd, Patrick Stewart, LeVar Burton) had long lines and expensive tickets for the lines. (Could not see spending a bunch of money just to meet them)


Alaina Huffman

She was at comic-con and was on Stargate Universe and she was very nice and got a picture with her. She told us that the cast did not know the show was cancel until they announced it on TV. Everybody was fighting to see the big names and my son and I got to spend some time talking to her.


Those are all I can remember right now.

Edited by Maddog McCoy SASS #5672

Met Charlie Sheen working security for MCV hospital not very bright.

Knew Winston Dawg real well

Met a former porn star when she visited Iraq, sorry don't remember her name.

Posted (edited)

I met John Wayne several times and even got a tour of his boat "Wild Goose" .He was a very congenial person. Also met Ward Bond when he was onboard his boat at Catalina Island.


My cousin is Lee Greenwood, the country singer. "Proud to be an American" was his real claim to fame.


I met a lot of pretty famous people during my aerospace career. Most of the astronauts, Chuck Yeager, Jacques Cousteau, Blue Angels. I also got to shake President Ronald Reagan's hand when he was given a briefing on the B2 Stealth Bomber when it was still a top secret program. I gave part of the briefing, it was one of the highlights of my time on that program.

Edited by Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life

Mel Gibson

Buddy Ebsen

Louis Gossett jr

Mr. T

Melissa Gilbert

Axl Rose

Jaye P. Morgan

Dino Bravo - only pro wrestler I ever met.


I was in Basic Training at Fort Dix with Robert Riderelli, better known as Bobby Ridell.


I won't say that he got special treatment, but ....


Other NGs from So. Philly went to a southern state for Basic.

Got through reception center in two days..

Had a decent haircut.

Got some weekend passes to record.


I had the pleasure of meeting John Williams, composer of many of the most famous themes on earth, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc. Great guy. He even conducted the group when we played one of his works. Loved it.


I also met a real spy. Valerie Elise Plame Wilson, she was a CIA agent and spy before she was outed. Accidentally bumped into her while at college.


Condeleezza Rice, she spoke at my college. She's tiny but impressive none the less.


Met one of the racers from Street Outlaws. He's much different in person.


Hmmm... I'm trying to think. I haven't met too many celebrities that I can recall.


I met Terry Cummings, who played for the San Antonio Spurs once when I was in San Antonio during Desert Storm. Seemed like a decent enough guy. Every inch of 6'9" though!


Dizzy Gillespie and a band mate almost ran over my wife coming off of an elevator once. Very apologetic, but not wanting to wait around.


Dave Chappelle held the door open at a deli in Yellow Springs, Ohio for my wife and I. He was sitting at a table outside, and got up and opened it, while continuing to talk to a friend. I thanked him, he nodded. It didn't dawn on me who it was until we were inside. Just as well, he evidently is a fairly private person, and likes that the people in the area respect that.


I met several of the men from The Band of Brothers who toured with the USO. The original vets, not the actors, including Babe Heffron, Bill Guarnere, Don Malarkey, and others. Fascinating conversation.


I do have a painting by Buck Taylor signed to me, that my wife got at the Quarter Horse Congress some years back. Sadly, I didn't get to meet him, and he wasn't there the following year, but she said he was a very nice guy.


FYI, Axl Rose is still #1 on my Top 10 List of People I'd Like to Kick in the Nuts Before I Die.





I also met a real spy. Valerie Elise Plame Wilson, she was a CIA agent and spy before she was outed. Accidentally bumped into her while at college.



I think if you check, she worked for the CIA, but wasn't a field agent at the time. The biggest problem with her being "outed" was that it put her former cover company and agents claiming to work for it in danger.






I think if you check, she worked for the CIA, but wasn't a field agent at the time. The biggest problem with her being "outed" was that it put her former cover company and agents claiming to work for it in danger.

She operated a network and did go into the field to recruit agents. While she wasn't the James Bond type of spy she still was a spy. Sounds better that way.


I met Alicia Goranson,who played the oldest daughter on Roseanne back in the mid 80's when shes was going to Vassar College.Her car was making funny noises and she stopped at my shop to ask if we could look at it.She came by a second time after she had filled her gas tank up and didn't 2 blocks from the gas station before it died.She was a very sweet unassuming girl.I also met Frank Serpico when he was re-qualifying for his carry permit.Those are the only two I remember.


Buck d Law

T Bone Dooley

Grizzly Dave

Chickasaw Bill

and the list goes on.


I hooked a golf ball into a neighboring fairway and almost took out former Missouri Governor Warren Hearnes as he was walking to his ball. He laughed it off because my inlaws and he were neighbors when my wife was growing up and he recognized me as a member of their family. I was a wreck for a few more holes, though.

Posted (edited)



Typical array of jewelry worn by the legendary late New Orleans restaurateur, James Brocato, aka �Diamond Jim� Moran, on an evening around town: Diamond studded eyeglasses, cost $12,000; diamond filled dental bridge, $2,500; collar pins and studs, $12,500; diamond lapel pin spelling out �Jim,� $2,500; diamond studded fountain pen, $5,500; �Moran� buttons, $10,000; blue sapphire edged with diamonds, matching ring and cuff links, $30,000; diamond encrusted wrist watch, $3,500; diamond laden belt buckle, $8,000; cat�s eye ring with diamonds, $11,500; gold topped walking cane, $3,500; diamond shoe lace bars, $5,000. That comes out to $106,500 in jewelry � and that�s not counting the $225 mink tie.





Sophie Tucker(January 13, 1887 – February 9, 1966) was a Ukrainian-born American singer, comedian, actress, and radio personality. Known for her stentorian delivery of comical and risqué songs, she was one of the most popular entertainers in America during the first half of the 20th century. She was widely known by the nickname "The Last of the Red Hot Mamas."[5]

Edited by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172

I've met Noz!!


I've worked in the music industry for a long time and have met many in the Country, Rock, and Blues category. I also did a few TV specials, working as a lighting and sound technician, so there were interactions with that part of the entertainment industry. I also worked for a big tour bus company for several years, building custom busses for the whole spectrum of entertainment and political professionals.


I also raced for many years and worked for a little while for Winston when they sponsored NASCAR, so I've met many drivers in both stock car and drag racing!


Many of 'em are just folks! Some of 'em think way too much of themselves. Trishia Yearwood and Tennessee Ernie Ford are and were the two most down to earth people I've ever met!! Bob Dylan may be the most bashful and introverted. Danny Thomas was a wonderful human being, but in person............


On top of it all, I live just outside of Nashville and I entertain in the bars and clubs here. Celebrities like to be entertained too!


Too many to list.

Gene and Roy would be on the top of that list.


FYI, Axl Rose is still #1 on my Top 10 List of People I'd Like to Kick in the Nuts Before I Die.





:D We didn't exactly "meet". I threw him out of our band's so-called "dressing room" at the 321 Club in Santa Monica, CA back in 1988 (I believe). It was before he was "big". He and another guy were swiping beer from our cooler and I came in and caught them and that scrawny long haired punk tried to get all "bad" on me, so I grabbed him and shoved him out the door. He tried to come back in, screaming like a ***** and 2 of the band members got between us and he went on his way acting like the punk that he was. I didn't know it was him until later when I saw his picture in a Rolling Stone article.

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Buck d Law

T Bone Dooley

Grizzly Dave

Chickasaw Bill

and the list goes on.

I forgot. As a teenager I spent an afternoon at the Missouri State Fair with Sally Rand. She was performing there and took a couple of hours away from the stage to sit and talk with a couple of star struck boys.



I had breakfast with Captain Grace Hopper, very nice, very intelligent without being the

least overbearing. She had lots of fun stories about computers.





Jim Stillwagon gave me a ride when I was at Ohio State U. Had Rufus Mays with him. Also took Army physical at the same time. Really nice guy.


Met Billy Etbauer at a Cabela's in Nebraska. Great guy and got my picture took with him.


Oh, I got to say "Hi" to Muhammad Ali at a book signing in Del Amo Mall in Torrance CA back in the 80's. I wasn't in line. I walked up behind the podium he was on, tugged on his jacket tail and when he turned and looked down at me I smiled and said "I just wanted to say hello". He smiled and quietly said "hello" and then the biggest man I have ever seen put his hand on my shoulder and told me I needed to go....I did, rather quickly. :)


Buddy Rich when I was playing drums in a trio at a hotel he was staying at. Nicest guy in the world, his cocky rude demeanor was pretty much just an act. I was playing and looked up and he was standing there in the doorway of the restaurant/lounge. It made me nervous as hell!! He gave me a thumbs up!!! I tuned a piano for David Benoit and Jim Brinkman.


I've met a bunch of baseball players, The most memorable was Rocky Colavito.......when I was a kid he was my hero!! He signed a picture that I still have! ;)


A number of years ago, the wife and I were eating at El Fenix on Forest Ln in Northwest Dallas.

They always had an enchilada special on Wednesdays. Two enchiladas with rice and beans and plenty of chips with hot sauce.

We went up to the counter to pay and up comes Charlie Pride, the country singer.

I think I said I could now tell people I had dinner with Charlie Pride.

He seemed to be a very nice gentleman.

After he left, the cashier said he came there all the time and was just a quiet nice regular guy to them.


Pres. Ronald Reagan, Sam Elliot, Michael Martin Murphey, Chris LeDoux, to name a few that are also my heroes......

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