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Attention Cowboy Action Shooters!!


I am excited to announce the launch of Up Range Exchange!




Up Range Exchange will be providing New and Used Cowboy Action Gear. We are an Official Dealer of Scully and Wah Maker brands and an Affiliated Merchant of the Single Action Shooting Society. Various quality, great condition, used items like Shirts, Vests, Books, and other items will also be offered. Please take a look around our Facebook Store. If you are looking for something, please send us an email at uprangeexchange@gmail.com or send us a Facebook message and let us know what you need and we will do our best to help you out!


About Up Range Exchange:


Up Range Exchange is owned and operated by Dan Ranker. Dan has been a Member of the Single Action Shooting Society for thirteen years and goes by the alias, Buckaroo Bubba, SASS #66861. Buckaroo Bubba is very involved with Cowboy Action Shooting in the Northeast Ohio region and is the President of the SASS Affiliated Club, The Tusco Long Riders located in Midvale, Ohio. He has served as Club President for the last five years. In 2016, Bubba was awarded with the high honor of being named as a SASS Regulator for his efforts and dedication to the Tusco Long Riders, SASS, and the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting. Bubba also serves as a SASS Territorial Governor for the Brown Township Regulators located in Malvern, Ohio and is a proud member of the Jedi Gunfighters! Dan started this business with the encouragement from his wife, Kelly. The opportunity to be deeper involved within the sport he is passionate about and to be able to show his two kids where hard work and dedication will take you is priceless.




It is our Goal to help you ‘Look better than your Competition’. Over the last few years it has become evident that there is a need for more places to obtain your clothing that we wear in our great sport. Up Range Exchange will provide New and Used Clothing on our Facebook Store, SASS Merchant Forum, and at select local shoots. We will provide clothing for Men, and Women. We will be adding new inventory and other options over time. So please check back often.


Please “Like and Share” our page!


Thank you for checking out ‘Up Range Exchange’. - Buckaroo Bubba


Do you buy used items? I've got too many to list; I over - bought like crazy, getting into CAS, and most of it's been hanging in the closet ever since.


Is there a way to visit your page without being a Facebook member, I refuse to join Facebook!


Howdy Eyesa Horg,


You should be able to Visit and Shop in our Facebook Store without being signed in to Facebook.


I had someone test this and they were able to get to Paypal's checkout from our Store without being a Facebook Member.


Please give it a try.


Thanks, Up Range Exchange



I tried again and can basically get there, but the large white sign in screen covers the whole lower half of the page after clicking "Not right now" I'll play with it some more. I have the same issue when folks post pix from Facebook and sometimes Google pix.



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