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Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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Doc Savage was written for early teen-age boys in the thirties and forties.


181 volumes. The first I read, in 1962, was Shadow of The Wolf and I eventually owned all 181 stories.


They still crop up now and again but the last I saw were two stories to the book and were NOT in order.

Edited by Forty Rod SASS 3935
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Doc Savage was written for early teen-age boys in the thirties and forties.


181 volumes. The first I read, in 1962, was Shadow of The Wolf and I eventually owned all 181 stories.


They still crop up now and again but the last I saw were two storied to the book and were NOT in order.


I don't recall the first I read, and I can't say how many, although it was nowhere near all of them. For the longest time, I wanted a sword cane like Ham had, though.

Edited by DocWard
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James Arness. me and friend we're delivering firewood in Iberia Missouri when a helicopter landed in the field we sat there and watched Marshal Dillon get out of the helicopter and meet a man about purchasing a cattle dog. We watched from a distance after he left with the dog we went and spoke with the gentleman ask him is that he thought it was he said yes

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I have the first 80 Bantam reprints, need to dig them out and read them again. Wonderful stuff. Don't know if kids today would be able to understand the technology like Autogiros and the like.

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I have the first 80 Bantam reprints, need to dig them out and read them again. Wonderful stuff. Don't know if kids today would be able to understand the technology like Autogiros and the like.

When I tried to donate mine to the high school where I worked i was told that they were inappropriate for children under 21 years old.

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When I tried to donate mine to the high school where I worked i was told that they were inappropriate for children under 21 years old.

That's sad, but expected I suppose. I read all of mine before the age of 14.

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