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My favorite pistol caliber?

(scratches chin)

(scratches scalp)

(mutters about how much acreage of scalp is exposed now-a-days)

Why, that's easy!

It's my ... ummm ... that would be, ahhh ...

(scratches chin again)

Daggone, I'm glad I got some beard anyways, otherwise I'd be crowdin' as hairy as a cue ball!

Now where was I?
Oh ... yeah ... pistol caliber ...

(You see that puff of smoke on the horizon? That's my train of thought receding at a good velocity!)

I would have to be real honest and allow as that would be whichever one I was shootin' at the moment!

That's my favorite!

Posted (edited)

That's like asking what my favorite dessert is. It has many many answers.


1911 platform. 45 acp. Oh, and Super 38.


Single actions. 45 Colt.


Carry guns. 9mm, 10 mm and 357 Sig.


Carry gun in bear country. 10 mm or 44 mag.


Pistol caliber used in lever action? Gee, in cowboy that would be 45 Colt although 44-40 in black powder is a very close second. Pistol caliber rifle in Bear Country? 44 Magnum.


Seemingly many answers to a simple question. Or maybe I am just very indecisive.

Edited by Dantankerous



For normal carry: .38 Spl

For abnormal carry: 12 gauge pump with a pistol grip :P


Favorite for what, BCM?

Posted (edited)

1. 44 special for C.A.S

2. 44 Mag Hunting

3. 45 ACP Home Protection.

4. 22LR Plinking

Edited by Rooster Ron Wayne
Posted (edited)

Well, to me, and I suppose, just to me, I like the .44 Special for accuracy, size of caliber and recoil quality.


But like others have said, what ever I am shooting at the time.


I do like Rooster Ron's list tho. :)


Back in the day, when I first started shooting SASS, I bought a pair of Ruger Old Vaqueros in

.44-40. Never got to accuracy out of them due to the bore size so I sold them off and bought

a pair of Californian .44-40s. Much better accuracy, but I also purchased a pair of USAF RODEO

in .45 Colt. Best shooting VIRTUAL pistols I ever shot. But for some reason, I never did cotton

to them all that much.


But as I have stated many times, I really do not own any guns, all of them are virtual.

Edited by Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172


+ 100000


I have pretty much every caliber covered but my favorite all around caliber is 32 mag. I shoot 45 colt for SASS but just like the 32

Posted (edited)

Badger, just a little virtual temptation. A S&W Model 24 revolver in .44 Special. Depending on the purpose of your .44 Special, either a 6.5-inch barrel or a 4-inch barrel. Less popular than the Model 29 in .44 Magnum, the Model 24 might be harder to find. And, they ain't cheap.


Of course, you might get a Model 29 since you can shoot .44 Special or .44 Magnum. The Model 24 has a lighter, tapered barrel.



Smith & Wesson Model 24.





There ya go. If I was looking for a revolver in .44 Special, the S&W Model 24 is what I'd get. Virtually that is. ^_^

Edited by Birdgun Quail, SASS #63663
Posted (edited)

All in all, 44 or 45


Doesn't matter which.


Russian, Colt, WCF, Schofield, Magnum, ACP



But the practical side of me leads to conclude as an all around general shooting and plinking gun (or personal defense for that matter), it is hard to beat a good large frame S&W DA revolver in 38 Special. 38 is great.

Edited by Dirty Dan Dawkins

My favorites aren't that simple.


Cowboy Action

38spec. both revolver and Rifle is what I use but 38/40 is what I like.

45/70, 45/90, 50/70, 50/110, 38/55 are all favorites depending on what I want to accomplish and the circumstances.


Carry or defensive use (antipersonnel)

45acp, 40 s&w, 9mm, caliber shrinks as the platform shrinks


Hunting revolvers

357, 41mag, 45lc, .475 Linebaugh


Hunting Autos



Hunting revolvers dangerous game

.475 Linbaugh, 454


Play Rifles

.22, 5.56, 25/06, 30/06, 338 Lapua, 338mag, 416, 458 and 475 NE


Hunting Rifles

22, 25/06, 7mm mag, 338, 458 and 475NE


Hunting Dangerous game


338, 458, 475NE



12ga. 10ga


Guess that sums it up I shoot others but these are special depending on what I want to do.


The one I have with me when I need it.


.30 carbine......Ruger Blackhawk and AMT Automag II........before they fell out of the canoe. Darn waves on the ocean.


Badger, just a little virtual temptation. A S&W Model 24 revolver in .44 Special. Depending on the purpose of your .44 Special, either a 6.5-inch barrel or a 4-inch barrel. Less popular than the Model 29 in .44 Magnum, the Model 24 might be harder to find. And, they ain't cheap.


Of course, you might get a Model 29 since you can shoot .44 Special or .44 Magnum. The Model 24 has a lighter, tapered barrel.



Smith & Wesson Model 24.





There ya go. If I was looking for a revolver in .44 Special, the S&W Model 24 is what I'd get. Virtually that is. ^_^

Absolutely Beautiful !

Top of the line Sexy 44 special .


Now I need a new tablet I think the drool is going to brake this one :-)


44, as in 44 mag, 44spl, 44 Russian.


44 mag ------- In my Marlin rifle for SASS

44 spl --------- In my carry revolver

44 russian---- In my Colts for SASS


Well, we wus shootin at a fencpost one day trying to dislodge a board we'd nailed to it, my 1911 45acp vs inlaw S&W 9mm.... he emptied a whole clip putin a few holes in it...... the ol 45 tore that board to pieces..... :-)


However, for CAS, I use 38spl simply for economics..... lead, brass, powder....


$30 buys 500 38spl cast bullets but only 300 44mag/45colt cast bullets. (GA Arms)


TrailBoss Powder, 38spl is about half the powder of 44mag/45colt

Same for cost of brass......


But I do have a 44mag set of vaqueros for those occasions when I wanna knock things over.... :-)


As noted by many above, depends on what for.

Concealed carry: 45 acp in a single stack semi-auto or .380 single stack semi-auto.

CAS: 38-40, 44 Russian, 44 special, & sometimes 45 LC.

To make an impression: 44 magnum in 8 3/8" S&W mdl 29 in a Dirty Harry holster.


That is of course IF I had any of those firearms.




It depends upon what my intended target is.


My favorite one to shoot is the 30 carbine.

It is loud and fast.


Badger, just a little virtual temptation. A S&W Model 24 revolver in .44 Special. Depending on the purpose of your .44 Special, either a 6.5-inch barrel or a 4-inch barrel. Less popular than the Model 29 in .44 Magnum, the Model 24 might be harder to find. And, they ain't cheap.


Of course, you might get a Model 29 since you can shoot .44 Special or .44 Magnum. The Model 24 has a lighter, tapered barrel.



Smith & Wesson Model 24.





There ya go. If I was looking for a revolver in .44 Special, the S&W Model 24 is what I'd get. Virtually that is. ^_^

That model 24 is a purdy little thang, Birdgun. :)

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