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Good Evening Cowfolk,


To support our brothers at the top of the map and to protest the lack of Chinese food at the South Pole we will be having our regularly scheduled match tomorrow.


As always it will be held at the “Toad” Mission location


Arriving at 8 a.m. we will be greeted by mild 25º temps and a north wind of 9 mph resulting in a wonderful chill factor of 16º.


By the end of the match around 1 p.m. the temp will be at a balmy 38º with the winds dropping to 7 mph still from the north translating into an equally fantastic chill factor of 32º; at least we don’t have snow to shovel.


Smart money is the ice will hold over the low water crossing so no cars should be lost downstream.


For this one match summer dress is again allowed and there is talk of having a snow cones at the end.


So pack you gear, dig out the long johns, and we’ll see you around 8:15 for the start of TRR’s 2017 shooting season.





Edited by Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

Good weather in Texas, compared to up here in Oklahoma.... its single digit cold.


right now 19º in 'Toad' Mission


I've got two pair of long johns on and headed north for all the fun and games.


Have to embrace what our northern friends shoot in 8 months a year



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