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A life of hard labor has left me with nagging pain - almost constant in my lower back and knees. But it's a rare day I don't have a new hurt somewhere. In the night I awoke with pain in the big joint in my right big toe. A touch of gout? Something I did yesterday that I don't remember? Seems on new pain last long enough for the next new one to crop up somewhere else. The joys of getting old.


Getting old beats the alternative.


Pain is Gods way of letting us know we are still alive.

The pain we feel is the one that hurts the most .

As soon a your big toe stops hurting .

The back will start again :-)


Happy New Year !


An older friend told me years ago that after age 55 it's just patch, patch, patch. I think he was right.


To answer your question, this morning it's my left hamstring.


where DOESN'T it hurt this morning is a much better question


Amen Sister .

Enough said !


I'm at the age where anything that still works hurts.


Most mornings it's my lower back and right ankle. Within an hour the back pain goes away but the ankle can go on for days. My hands hurt when it's cold and my right thumb hurts almost all the time.


Like you, everyday brings a new misery, sometimes small, sometimes larger, but always something new.


Nobody said that getting old was easy. Old age is not for the weak or timid..... but still, there a lot of advantages.


My wife and I were discussing that very subject several days ago when I realized that I didn't have a single piece of original equipment that didn't need some help to function as designed.


Sawmill Mary puts up a good front but I know she hurts. I tell people she's like two movie stars. She has platinum blond hair like Marilyn Monroe and walks like John Wayne.


Anytime we have an active day, it takes the next day to recover.


The more girlfriends you have....... The less you hurt........ :)


"Pain is Life" That has been my motto since about age 35. I wake up in pain everyday in some form or another. I am pretty sure that if / when I ever wake and something doesn't hurt I will be dead or stoned out of my mind on something someone slipped me.


Embrace the pain.


See my pm


Well, folks, I hesitated before writing this as I didn't want any of you to feel bad.


I'm one of the lucky ones! At 77, save for an occasional minor bout of gout in a big toe, if I were doing any better physically I would probably have to get a permit! :D


Unfortunately, my wife is at the other end of the spectrum. She is approaching 50 significant operations now and something is always hurting. I do understand and have a great deal of sympathy for her and all of you who are having problems.


Yeah, getting old is not for the weak and timid but still beats the alternative by a wide margin!


Best wishes to you all.





My wife and I were discussing that very subject several days ago when I realized that I didn't have a single piece of original equipment that didn't need some help to function as designed.

Had a car like that once. Sold it for scrap. :blink::D


The more girlfriends you have....... The less you hurt........ :)

I'm pretty sure my wife would see that I was hurtin plenty! :o


Middle finger right hand today! Seems almost every morning I say " What the hell did I do to that!"


Legs. All the plates, rods and screws got COLD today. Wife asked if my face hurt. Said it was killin her.

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Ah yes, but look around you. There are folks that are in much worse shape,

and they have to manage also. Be grateful for what you got and can still use.

Take a stroll through the local skilled nursing home, then take a moment to be thankful.

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Middle finger right hand today! Seems almost every morning I say " What the hell did I do to that!"


Overuse injury?


My doctor: "Where does it hurt today?"


Me: "Yes."


Golden years, my @$$.



Yeah!! More like cortisone and titanium years for me!! I got scars on some of my scars!! I wouldn't have it any other way!!


When whatever hurts, I think back to what caused it!! Most of the time, I laugh and nod my head!! I earned almost every one of those scars while doing something that I really wanted to do!!


Folks say that if they'd known how long they were gonna' live they'd have taken better care of themselves. I figure that as I draw my last breath, I can look around and smile thinking that I didn't miss much!!


I dunno about that. At my age one could kill me.



Can you think of a better way to go??? :P:lol::lol::lol:



Overuse injury?


Sometimes! :P Actually however, I got a tiny thorn just above the bottom joint from a Primrose, over four years a cyst has grown around it the size of about 3/8 inch. Rubs on my revolver grip and gets sore now. Having it removed in 2 weeks. Oh Boy-- a new pain to deal with. :D Not to mention the fortune I'm sure it will cost. As eveything seems to be about 3 times "Normal & Customary" :lol: Bet I would have been able to buy a new tuned rifle for less!

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