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I'm a member of quite a few forums, and some I just go on for info and to read.Without a doubt this is one of the nicest sites I've been on, with the nicest people,,,,,,,,,, even with our differences about whatever the issue is. Cowboys seem to know how to agree to disagree.Some of the forums are just unbelievable, sometimes they're like a barroom brawl. Cowboys are the best !! : Just sayin"

Be proud Cowboys, I am.


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Posted (edited)

"An armed society is a polite society."


Science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein, quoting ...uh, some French philosophe.

Edited by Red Hooker

Very true, Isom Dart.

It seems that some people have no couth when it comes to how they act on line...or probably anywhere.

The best people that I have ever known, as a whole, are here in SASS and on the Wire.


Hey!! Isom!! More of us shoot 10 ga. than folks on those other forums!! You should feel right at home here!! :lol::lol::lol:


I enjoy reading the keyboard battles that take place on some Youtube videos. If talk could kill, there would be a lot of dead bodies slumped over keyboards with Youtube on the monitors. The SASS site has very good administrators, who keep a close eye on the posts and troublemakers are usually dealt with quickly.


Yup. The anonymity of the keyboard allowing anyone to be brave and brash without recourse. Some call it the keyboard commando syndrome.


The crass and rude anonymous online commentary and insults just more fuel to add to the fire of decaying morals in the culture. Something about no more individual accountability.


Seems as if the quote, "I hate rude behavior in a man." applies here.


I am glad cowboys, er, uh, I mean cowfolk to be PC, don't follow the crowd. :D We stand on our own.


This SASSWIRE is always a great place to seek friendship and refuge from the rest of the online world, if to nothing more than read and re read posts.


There have been a few disagreements here but the mods usually stop it if'n the offenders ain't not already come to an understanding and smoothed things over.


Good topic, OP. And good observation.

  • 2 weeks later...

+1 Imis,, I think we were on the same possee,,,,,,,,, Howdy back atcha' :D



"An armed society is a polite society."


Science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein, quoting ...uh, some French philosophe.

I've seen some pretty good flame wars on Shotgun World. Their Browning forum is exceptionally friendly and helpful, especially when it comes to sleuthing out info on older A-5's.


Isom and Blackwater, are you fellow 10 gauge shooters? I'd use my 8 gauge 3-1/2" more if it was legal. Once in a while, I use it for

a local match. It's a Parker with 4-1/4" chambers that belonged to my great,great grandfather. I try to be friendly so I have my fellow competitors step way back. It makes for a great blast and boom even with Fg.

Posted (edited)

Isom and Blackwater, are you fellow 10 gauge shooters? I'd use my 8 gauge 3-1/2" more if it was legal. Once in a while, I use it for

a local match. It's a Parker with 4-1/4" chambers that belonged to my great,great grandfather. I try to be friendly so I have my fellow competitors step way back. It makes for a great blast and boom even with Fg.



Yessir!! Isom shoots 3 1/2" brass shells with his name on 'em, out of a big ol' double!! I shoot anything I can stuff into my Winchester 1901 or the old Remington 1893 hammer double!! There ain't enough fire, smoke, and boom to satisfy either of us!!!



Hey!! Isom!! You need to come up to Manchester, KY this summer for the Black Gold Shootout!! Us big boomers is welcomed there!!!

Edited by Blackwater 53393

Howdy Isom Dart, I agree with you about the SASS forum, but I definitely prefer the comradery at the SASS matches before, during, and after the matches. It's been a while since we shot together at Lonesome Valley Regulators, I need to get back with you all.


Let's not forget the MODERATORS on this forum, if things get wild and wooly they shut it down! ;)


Correction: Nicest since we got rid of the "Political Fire" forum a number of years ago :)

I remember that!!! :o Enter with caution!! :lol:


Meeting and becoming friends with new people was our best quality. We didn't put cas matches together to give away money prizes, we came from other shooting sports, racing, or whatever seeking something different. Our gatherings were like a big reunion with new family members each time. The best matches still are. That attitude carries over to most folks that post.

But any group with Isom Dart in it automatically goes up a notch. When Kid Concho , Isom ,and me were shooting together that was as good as it gets.

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