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I'm so blessed to have both my family and my wife's family live less then two miles from us. Even more blessed that my family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve and my wife's family on Christmas day. We never have to go far and we never step on any toes?


When do you traditionally celebrate Christmas? Christmas Eve, or Christmas day?


Merry Christmas!


We did a bit of both.

This year we are going to go by the Old Calendar to "do Christmas" in the sense of the gift giving and such. We will hit Matins tonight and the Liturgy tomorrow morning for the actual celebration of the Nativity..


When I was growing up we celebrated Christmas eve with my Grandparents and Christmas Day at home with my immediate family.


After I got married, we celebrated Christmas eve with my inlaws and Christmas Day with my family.


All of my wife's and my parents are gone now, so we just celebrate Christmas Day.

Posted (edited)

My mother's birthday is today (she would have been 100, she passed in 1996) so we always did Christmas eve as Christmas and mom's birthday but saved most of the presents for Christmas Day! Yep, two days of celebrating. ;) We now do Christmas eve at my sister's and actually nothing Christmas day!



Edited by Rye Miles #13621

My son's first Christmas was a nightmare. Got up early and opened presents at our house. Went to my parents about 8am for breakfast. My grandparents for lunch. Wifes grandparents at about 4 for a quick 10 minute hello. Finally wife's parents for supper; we were exhausted.


Since then we have reached common ground. Her mom's(her dad passed away 2011) for Christmas Eve lunch. My grandmother Christmas Day lunch. My parents whenever it fits; this year for example, it's the 27th. Thankfully everyone lives within a 15 minute radius except my brother and he's only an hour away. We are blessed.



Merry Christmas everyone.


Fond memories as a lad, of Christmas Eve with the gifts and family. As I grew up and

acquired a family of my own, it was Christmas morning. More fond memories.

When the girls were smaller, we sometimes celebrated in the middle of the night

because little hearts could not wait for it to happen. Mom and I often laugh about



Did it last weekend. Guess we have to share kids , grand kids and grand pups with inlaws. Merry Christmas GW


We did the first Christmas celebration in Sedona the second weekend of December and we're doing the second celebration today and tomorrow.


We used to do Christmas Eve with Uno's family and Christmas day with either Uno's family or mine, depending on what was happening where. My family stopped celebrating Christmas a few years ago primarily for location reasons. Our house was the only one that had the room to accommodate everyone but I lived farthest away. Assembling two celebrations became too much for my MIL so we finally settled on Christmas Eve wherever and Christmas day with Uno's family. Uno and I would go to Disneyland on Christmas eve and his parents for Christmas day.


Now that we have moved out of state, Uno usually works Christmas eve and we have a quiet Christmas day here with many phone calls between the families.


BAH HUMBUG!!!!!! <_<<_<<_<<_<<_<

Now Mary. Your welcome at our house for Christmas!


why didn't ya tell me that before I made tha huge mess tryin' ta bake pumpkin bread cuz I didn't noz there wuz a big hole in tha side of tha flour bag????????????





Merry Christmas Slim, and thanks for the offer, it really does mean a lot!!! Give Tracy and Kaya hugs for me, oh, and I suppose since it's Christmas yu kin have one fer yerself tuu..... ;):wub::wub: :wub: :wub:


Don't feel bad Miz Mary, I was making peanut butter pies last night, had the first one in the fridge and was getting stuff for the second out when,PLOP!, the first one slid out and landed upside down(Of course). After a few well placed expletives I cleaned it up saving what I could. The dogs helped clean up most of the rest. Only one of the two is going to make the trip. Thought of the term the punkin chunkers use when their missile disintegrates.........PIE! :(:wacko::blink::lol::blush:


As a kid we went Christmas caroling on Christmas eve. Christmas morning was breakfast (coffee cakes, gooey butter cake and grapefruit) and stockings with the grandparents at our house. About noon we headed over to the grandparents' (The three living were in the same house - unusual, I know) for more stockings and presents, lunch and football. Granddad loved football. A late afternoon snack (we were too full to eat a real supper) and we kids were tuckered out and ready to head home.


Now, my wife and I still carol along the same street on Christmas eve carrying on a tradition started by my parents in the '40's with the St. Louis Christmas Carols Association. The folks along the street know we're coming and many have cookies and candies to pass out to our group. When one family along the route sold their house a few years ago they told the new owners they had to stay home on Christmas eve for the carolers. One of the houses always has a party and has a traditional German Christmas tree. Real candles (fire extinguishers) and everything. Really gets Christmas started right. My grandparents and mother are long gone. We lost my dad a few months ago. My kids (the ones still in the area) occasionally join us caroling.


Christmas day is everybody (weather permitting) at out house for breakfast, stockings, presents and lunch.




Merry Christmas Clay.


My wife's from a big catholic family and celebrate Christmas eve then go to midnight mass. My side of the family is small and we celebrate on Christmas day.


Whenever it is convenient for kids. We remember what a chore it was when we had small children trying to get to everyone's house. Miss Lorrie and I vowed that it would not be so when we became grandparents.

One of the kids picks the menu for our gatherings. This year we're having rueben sandwiches.

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