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Speaking of Stupidity

Sedalia Dave

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Golfer hilariously falls into frozen over lake after chipping off the ice.
This poor guy will never try this shot again. After taking a swing at a ball on ice (ice golf is a real thing, by the way), the guy slips, falls and goes through the ice into water colder than Sergio Garcia's putter at a major championship.
The best part is his buddies laughing as they film. Maybe help a brother out, guys? Also, it has to be devastating to watch the replay and realize you didn't even come close to hitting the ball.


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Reminds me of the time a friend & I went canoeing down a small river in Ohio on New Years day. Yeah, we dumped it all right & I have since gained a little more common sense & now live in Texas. :o:D :D

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Yusta B the water in Ohio doesn't get cold......that's why you can't drink it.......LOL..........Happy Holidays........Faygo

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His problem seems to be that he wasn't wearing spikes. Or if he was, they were the "kinder gentler" rubber ones. If he'd dug his steel spikes in, he would not have slipped.


Also, leastways the way I was taught, you don't HAVE to take a Mulligan. You GET to take a Mulligan.


Shot was crappy, so you call a Mulligan and get to take it again. No harm, no foul, no stokes on your score. "Do-over".

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