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Last winter I devised a plan to use a different shotgun for every match. I did this with some qualified success. We did shoot a couple of back to back matches on Saturday and Sunday where I shot the same shotgun. I didn't have enough shotguns when I started but collected more than enough through the year and a couple extra.


I didn't plan but ended up shooting black powder all 2016. Discovering BlackMZ made it much easier.


I've yet to devise a plan for 2017. I'll probably chose a shotgun that I can shoot at my best. It was obvious that shooting a 10 lb 10 gauge with 30" barrels and loading brass hulls in chambers without funnels was not helping my times.


I may go back to smokeless. Sportsmans Warehouse is out of BlackMZ.


I'm inclined to go back to my Cattleman 45s. I've had at least one problem with the Rugers in every match I shot with them.


Between Mary and I we have enough Marlin 1894s to shoot most if not all matches with a different rifle. But it's not the same challenge as different shotguns.


I have a new Winchester 1873 45 Colt. If I don't trade or sale it, I may have to shoot it. Same with the Cimarron 1878.


For sure I'll shoot gunfighter.

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I may go back to smokeless. Sportsmans Warehouse is out of BlackMZ.




Oh man, why even get out of bed?


For a nice BP substitute, I recommend APP. I use in my 25.20, and on occasion cap & ball gunz.


Easy loading, easy cleanup. Capt Baylor always posts sales information when he gets it, here in the forum.


Why problems were you having with your Rugers?

Some were self inflicted. They are 45ACP. But I discovered they will shoot C45S. BUT! The chambers are so tight that the ammo has to sized and very little taper crimp. Absolutely zero tolerance to high primers. Same goes for 45ACP loads.


One gun had nearly 0 cylinder gap.

.002 feeler gauge wouldn't enter. I opened up the gap. Base pin would jump forward enough to lock up gun. I installed Willson Combat springs - including the stronger base pin latch spring. I may have all the gremlins worked out.


I still try every round in the gun before each match. Chambers get a little fouled and it's tough to load and unload.

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I had my revolvers out back in 2015 and noticed that between the om ruger bisley 45 colts, ruger old army's,,and my usfa saas in 38wcf that the grips were different on every set of revolvers the roas had the standard grip for ruger sas, the usfa s had 1860 army grips so that they fit my hand better and the ruger bisleys had bisley grips. So I decided to add a forth grip to the mix s&w no3 sa some call scholdfields but my caliber is smaller 38 doc and 38 s&w. So I guess I'm missing the Remington sa now but most others sa of the follow the saa grip style as far as I know. So it's possible to ad the saa grip and the Remington to the mix but I don't like the saa at all too small for my hands. So I guess if you wanted to you could try to shoot a different set of revolvers each month that used a different grip but it would get exspensive. Or you can shoot the different model colts each month start with the navy then the army, then a saa then the Rugers, the Remington s then go to the different grip frames for the ruger like birds head, and bisley it you wanted to it could be done.


Shooting smokeless is probably the smartest thing you can do! It's cheaper easier to load and clean the guns and you can see the targets! I shot the sooty stuff for 8 years, I went back to smokeless and it's the best thing I've done in a long time.


Now on to Gunfighter!!!! ;)


APP is about as clean as you can get in BP.


APP is about as clean as you can get in BP.

I think my guns were about as clean shooting BlackMZ as shooting loads with Unique. And BlackMZ from Sportsmans Warehouse was only $9.99/lb.


I shot Grafs Reenactor in my shotgun loads until I ran out and then switched to BlackMZ.


Maybe Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter gangsta style? 😀

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