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How many SASS competitors are using original Colt SAA's?


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This is kind of an off-shoot of another topic regarding the interest in using American made guns in SASS competitions. Just trying to get a sense of how many people are using Colt made SAA's of any of the generations for Cowboy Shooting, or if the Vaqueros and various imports have taken over the market completely.


As a long time part of the firearms industry, I am asking to see if there really is a good need for the various spare parts that keep a SAA up and running for competition. I know from both my own research and that of my gunsmith friend John Linebaugh, that there is a complete absence of Colt replacement parts on the market. Certain parts are not to be found for love or money, and others are just in such tiny quantities that they could not keep an active shooting community running for long.


Love to hear your opinions on this.


Have a great day! :FlagAm:

In response to how many people shoot real Colts, I would venture to say less that 8% of the shooters use real Colts all the time. For one, they are a little on the pricey side. When you can buy 3 Rugers (also American) or any of the clones for the same price, they are not in many folks budget. If you want new ones, the wait can be very long while they also hold your money.


I have 6 pairs of Colts but I prefer shooting my 3 screw Rugers only because they fit me better. I use the Colts occasionally only.

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As far as keeping the Colt running, here's a good bit of info.


The 4-3/4" one in my picture is a .45, and it was my father's. Once I was at a three day shoot and I suddenly noticed that cylinder pin was missing. A quick look around and I saw it on the ground near where I was standing, but the screw pin thing that holds it in place was also missing, and I could not find it.


I took the pistol down to Hartford to have it fixed. Within two weeks they had mailed it back to me with the missing part replaced. They also replaced the hammer which unbeknownst to me had a broken half cock notch.


Total cost to me was $0.00. They really do mean it when they say a lifetime warranty.


However, there is a limit to that. When I tried to get them to fix something that was wrong with the .38 right under the trigger of the Lightning they said words to the effect of "Uhm... That's an old one that we don't make any more. Can't fix it cuz we don't have parts."


But the bottom line is, if you buy a third generation SAA, if it ever breaks, Colt will fix it free of charge.


I also know that if you've got a 2nd Gen, they will work on it. The nicer looking 7.5" one in the picture was unfired when I bought it, but the action was as rough as sandpaper. I took that back to the factory as well, and they did an action job on it for less than $50. It now has a very smooth, nice action that works fine. But this was NOT covered by the warranty.


I'd be willing to bet they won't look at a first gen gun.


Of course, I live in New England, so taking a trip down to Hartford is easy for me. But it is an option to keep your SAA's working if you have problems.

Edited by H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619
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Not true, parts are around, Peacemaker Specialist has them and so do a lot of others. In any event what part in a Colt SA couldn't be fit by a good smith ? I have second and third gen Colts tuned by Bob Munden around 15 years ago, same as when I got them, if you break a hammer spring or a trigger bolt spring , it's no big deal.

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I've been using a mismatched pair of 3rd gen, one nickel, one blue, almost since I started. All with black powder. Now I am using a really beautiful 2nd gen and an uberti 1871/72 open top because I like that combination for looks as well as performance. If you can't play the game with beautiful guns, what's the point?

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pair of engraved 45s with full house black powder. Wife shoots 38's

I might not be 1st place, but I am not very far back. But that is not the gun's fault.


While mine have not broken yet, parts do break even with rugers, so hands, bolts, springs need to be available.

Which would have to be fit to the guns by someone that knows how.

One of my gunsmiths working on a set of 38's for me could not get a new bolt but did get the one in it working. can not remember if it was the 2nd or 3rd gen one.

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I have a pair of 2nd gen Colt 1860 Army, and two pair of 3rd gen SAA. One pair engraved with ivory grips in 45 Colt, and one pair of nickel 44 WCF. All of them get shot regularly. These have had more engraving since this picture was taken.DSC02192.jpg

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Just for the records, I am currently shooting Great Western IIs and have been since 2004. I shot Colts up until that time starting in the mid 1980s. I had my picture in the Colt Catalog twice in the 90's because Colt thought it was pretty interesting that I was competing with Colt's manufactured over a hundred years apart One made in 1875 and the other manufactured in 1981. I would still be shooting the Colt's, but the Great Westerns are much prettier and the Munden action jobs on them make them a dream to shoot.

BTW: All my SAs are in .45 Colt

Hope I didn't disappoint you Happy Jack.

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Just for the records, I am currently shooting Great Western IIs and have been since 2004. I shot Colts up until that time starting in the mid 1980s. I had my picture in the Colt Catalog twice in the 90's because Colt thought it was pretty interesting that I was competing with Colt's manufactured over a hundred years apart One made in 1875 and the other manufactured in 1981. I would still be shooting the Colt's, but the Great Westerns are much prettier and the Munden action jobs on them make them a dream to shoot.

BTW: All my SAs are in .45 Colt

Hope I didn't disappoint you Happy Jack.



Huh… seems like I heard of you. With that low SASS number… you could be one of them… Wild Bunchers.


Did’ya ever hear ‘bout how some of us out here in nowhere… has heard ‘bout the creation… of the Wild Bunch?


Just an FYI.


Let me tell ya what I heard… now don’t go to holdin’ this agin me…. OK… big guy? Justa rummar… nothin’ factual…


Long ago… after one of the first cowboy shoots… somewhere’s ‘round the dates of… either 1879… or maybe it was 1979 (kinda debatable, at-best)… there was a series of events that occurred… when the stars lined-up just right like. Ya know what I’m sayin’… them stars… they tend to do that “universe” alignment stuff.


Well… to continue… them ol’ boys shootin’ them guns at that match… was plopped down ‘round the campfar, afterds in the dark.


One of ‘em… after a fair-sized snootful… the honorable honcho, named Jug Roy Dean… says to everbody in the circle of light… “I think my Fruit of the Looms has done got all bunched up.” (Just an FYI… at the time, he thinks its ‘cause of a wedgie done by Hickshot.)


Then… a fella named… “Ticks”… speaks up… “Whoa… you maybe right, Jug… I think my Hanes has done got all bunched up, too”. (Hickshot is at it agin.)


At this point in time… the stars have done begun to commence to align-up, big time. Just one of them… unexplained, galactical-thangs.

Then… a guy named Hickshot… says to everbody ‘round the far, squeaky-like ‘cause he can’t hep it… cause his voice was ‘crushed out due to "gonad compression"... sad. And Hickshot says in alarm... “I don’t know how to say this… but it’s real painful-like… but my Jockey’s are closin’ in on me like a ringer-washer…. WHOOOHH!”

And so it goes ‘round the campfar… each… and ever one of ‘em… succumbed to the great problem men are faced with ever day… too-tite jeans… and underwear. And so… the name, “Wild Bunch”… was borned.


Are you one of them ol’ boys? Don’t mean to offend… seein’ as yore a Moderator.


A bunch of ol’ guys with bunched-up underwear… become great guys, that we all here rarely hear from… but greatly respect. Love ya buddy.




Lotta folks can’t take my kinda humor…


But Judge Roy Bean… and General Grant… are some of the finest men that I have ever met. I suspect… if you are a Wild-Buncher… are a creator and contributor to the greatest sport that some of us… have ever known.


Just joshin’, my friend ‘bout all them slights. I am a nobody… but I do respect you so. My thanks to ya….



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Sorry... OP. Got discombobulated by the prestige of the pevious poster... back on topic.


I got six pairs of Colts... three .45LC's in SAA... and three 44-40's in Frontier Six Shooters. Here are eight of 'em...


I regularly shoot one pair of .45's... and have recently carried my ivory-handled 44-40's as I carry my new Winchester rifles on my horse rides.


Here's a pic... with the Ivory-handles a recent carry. But the bottom two pair of .45's... are also a frequent carry when I am ridin'...




But I'm gonna tell ya somethin'... my unfired 44-40's... has some of the most beautimus colors I ever seen... but I just can't bring myself to shoot 'em. I got two pair of NIB... safe-anchors... consec-serial-numbered... acid-etched, Frontier Six Shooters like these here... (pics from back when I bought 'em)...






Folks... sorry if I went off track. Gotta friend in health trouble... kinda sad right now.



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Got a New Frontier in .44 spcl, one with a 7.5" and one that had a 5.5" but that I threw on a nickel plated Buntline barrel on and did the same to my son's New Frontier in .22, He had a set of Colt Nebraska Commemoratives that he started to shoot with as a Buckaroo (If anyone knows where I can get a Colt Nebraska case, let me know!). I added the Colt Winchester commemorative and threw on a 4.75 .44 spcl barrel on it, and about 4 months ago got a nickel plated .44-40 with a Buntline barrel that I will probably downsize to 7.5 when I find a 3rd gen 44-40 one that is not too expensive. I have a Ruger OMV in .44 mag as a backup. Got a couple of extra barrels and cylinders and saving up for frames for my son, although he will get them all when I am in the ground. I don't shoot fast or competitive, being built for pleasure and not for speed, I just enjoy going around healed and get excited if I hit the targets. So I am not hard on them and can continue to shoot.



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Well, Griff, you are close. 2 outta 3 ain't bad. :)


The Lighting rifle is an AWA The lower right 5-1/2" SAA is an Armi San Marco.


But the middle 1911 is a real Colt. It's one of the new original 1911's that they made in the early 2000's I took it back to Hartford and had them put the ambi safety on it at the factory.


Special recognition now goes to Griff for getting 2 of the 3. Good for you, Griff.


Shall I reveal the third, or does anyone else wish to guess?

Making a wild guess at the third one, but was that black rifle on top made by mattel?


Note my other 2 original guesses were already guessed and were wrong.


I also think I see a smith and wesson, but don't know how to describe it's location because it's kind of in the middle. It's the double action revolver that's got a medallion at the top of the grips.

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Sorry... OP. Got discombobulated by the prestige of the pevious poster... back on topic.


I got six pairs of Colts... three .45LC's in SAA... and three 44-40's in Frontier Six Shooters. Here are eight of 'em...


I regularly shoot one pair of .45's... and have recently carried my ivory-handled 44-40's as I carry my new Winchester rifles on my horse rides.


Here's a pic... with the Ivory-handles a recent carry. But the bottom two pair of .45's... are also a frequent carry when I am ridin'...

Nice collection there, TS!

(Good to see ya back on the Wire!)

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Making a wild guess at the third one, but was that black rifle on top made by mattel?


Note my other 2 original guesses were already guessed and were wrong.


I also think I see a smith and wesson, but don't know how to describe it's location because it's kind of in the middle. It's the double action revolver that's got a medallion at the top of the grips.


I feel like giving off a good natured chuckle.


The black rifle on top is indeed a Colt. And there are no S&W's in this picture. Everything is a Colt, (or in three cases, a copy thereof)


As far as the DA's go, starting with the one directly under the tigger guard of the Lighting, that is Model 1894 DA 38. Genuine GI surplus. Beneath that is M1909, .45 Colt also Genuine GI surplus Beneath that is an M1917, .45 ACP, GI surplus. Directly under the white framed .22 (A real Colt) are a pair of Lightning revolvers, both in .38 Long Colt. Below all the others are a pair of Colt 1878's The top one is a .44-40, and the bottom is a .45 Colt, genuine GI surplus.


I don't think anyone's gonna get the third "non Colt." It's the bottom 1911. (Or the only 1911A1 if you wanna get technical) It is genuine GI surplus, but it was made by Remington Rand during WW2.


Thanks for playing everyone!

Edited by H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619
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My first cowboy guns were a Hammerli Dakota and an EMF Hartford. Shot those for a couple of years until I finally convinced my shooting buddy to sell me his custom shop Colt SAA with black powder frame and genuine Colt ivory grips. Sold the Dakota and shot the Colt and the Hartford for years. Have added two more Colts to the fold over the years. Don't shoot the Hartford much anymore.

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I don't think anyone's gonna get the third "non Colt." It's the bottom 1911. (Or the only 1911A1 if you wanna get technical) It is genuine GI surplus, but it was made by Remington Rand during WW2.


Thanks for playing everyone!


You aint gunna believe this, but I was actually about to guess that. I couldn't tell who made it, but I zoomed in on the picture and I could tell the markings on the frame and slide were missing, or at least different enough from the 2 above it that you can't see them in the picture.

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This is kind of an off-shoot of another topic regarding the interest in using American made guns in SASS competitions. Just trying to get a sense of how many people are using Colt made SAA's of any of the generations for Cowboy Shooting, or if the Vaqueros and various imports have taken over the market completely.


As a long time part of the firearms industry, I am asking to see if there really is a good need for the various spare parts that keep a SAA up and running for competition. I know from both my own research and that of my gunsmith friend John Linebaugh, that there is a complete absence of Colt replacement parts on the market. Certain parts are not to be found for love or money, and others are just in such tiny quantities that they could not keep an active shooting community running for long.


Love to hear your opinions on this.


Have a great day! :FlagAm:

You all need to come out west..... plenty of parts to be found, if need be.

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I started with a couple different Rugers for the first year or two and then found a pair of Stainless Steel Interarms Virginian Dragoons in 44mag with 7 1/2 barrels. I used them for about 5 or 6 years and then went to a pair of 3rd generation Colt New Frontiers 44spl with 5.5 inch barrels that are my main match guns. I had a consecutive pair of all blue 3rd generation Colts with 5.5 inches barrels in 357 for several years that I had for loaners and backups to my New Frontiers, but had to sell them a couple years ago. I am currently looking for a set of 3rd gen Colts in 44spl and trying to decide on a barrel length 5.5, 4.75 or 3 inch sheriffs.


Anybody that has some 44spl Colts that they want to part with should let me know.





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OK, I have a few matched pairs in .45 that I use. Currently a pair of nickel 5.-1/2" with carved ivory grips.


I just put together a pair of 4-3/4" nickel in .44 Special. And I just fell into a '73 Deluxe Short Rifle in the same caliber. Course, now I have to get new Dillon Parts to load .44 Special and maybe .44 Russian. Need bullets and Brass too. Damn, this game gets expensive.

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I have 2 nickeled, bad job, 3rd gen with black powder frames, consec serial numbers, .44 WCF, 5 1/2 barrels. One has 3 cylinders, 2 with 1st gen taper in .44 WCF and .44 SP and one .44 WCF with no taper. The other only has the two tapered cylinders. Each have over 20,000 rounds, all black powder, through them before I started using 4 2nd gen Colt 1851's and 2 Colt 2 gen stainless consec serial numbered 1860's. Unless my son is shooting the Colt SAA's stay at home. He likes his 7 1/2" blued USFA's in .44 WCF better.

Edited by Pee Wee #15785
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I do not know how to post pictures, but I shoot a fine pair of Gen 3 Colt 45s; 7 1/2 inch bbl . They have served me well for over 22+ years of SASS. My "backup" Revolver is a 5 1/2 in Colt 45 , again Gen 3. All are made in the early 1980s.


Cheers , Hoss C.

Edited by Hoss Carpenter
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Use nothing but Colts,,

1,1st gen 38 WCF-- use once and a while 4 3/4"bbl.

1, 2nd gen. 45 Colt 4 3/4" bbl. -- don't shoot .45,,,,, price was right !!

1pr. 44 WCF early 3rd. gen. once and a while-- smkless 5 1/2"bbl.

1pr. 38 WCF late 3rd. gen,, main match B/P 5 1/2"bbl. approx' 10yrs

1pr. 32 WCF late 3rd.gen. once and a while B/P 51/2:bbl.

All blue/ cch. All I've done with the 3rd gen guns, is to take them apart, clean them , smooth the edges with some 320 or 400 paper. Polish all moving surfaces, lube for B/P and shoot them. I don't think Colt meant for these to be shot. They were all about bone dry. I keep some extra parts around ,,, but haven't had to use them yet ! I started out with Rugers , when I got my Colts, I used them a while,,, thought I'd switch out between the two, couldn't do it ,,, they're too different. Sooooo , stuck with my Colts. Would eventually like to get at least one pair engraved.

Shoot straight , be safe,


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Hey Isom Dart, It is your old Pard Hoss Carpenter! Been a while since we started shooting SASS with the Lonsome Valley Regulators. Merry Christmas and Cheers, Hoss C.

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