Duncan Disorderly Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 'Round here every match has food, most at the end some in the middle. Do you have food at your matches and how do you handle it?As in - who's in charge of it, how do you handle knowing how much to have, to charge, dealing with leftovers or shortages? Our first couple of matches had a lot of folks show, then it sorta leveled out..the last match had very low turnout - the weather went cold and it may have well gone great ..so we had lots of leftover food..and a loss for the match overall.So looking for ideas and ways to make this work in the future. Quote
Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 In NM, almost all matches less important than club annuals, or state matches, no longer serve any. Pretty simple if you do that. At annuals and states, you have almost all shooters signed up a few weeks ahead (so that awards can be made), so planning food to come out right is easy. Good luck, GJ Quote
Slick McClade Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Each shooter brings something and takes what's left back home. We might start this in 2017 for our monthly matches. Gives some time to visit and socialize after shooting, and the awards can be done at this time. Just my thoughts , keep it simple !! Slick Quote
H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 While a few clubs here in New England do advertise for shooters to "bring a lunch," most provide some sort of a hot meal. I have seen things where there is a prepared lunch served buffet style which is included in the cost of the match, where you go back to the clubhouse where you can purchase a hamburger or something made to order for a very low price, where a food truck shows up, some sort of food vendor is there to cater the shoot, or a grill is set up to make burgers, hot dogs, sausages and so forth. Entirely up to discretion of the local club it seems. Usually we will shoot 3 or 4 stages before lunch and then 2 or 3 after. It seems to work well. Most shoots start between 9 and 10, and the lunch break will start anywhere between 11:30 to 1:00 depending on how many stages are shot, how early/late we started, how many posses, how the food is made available, etc. Quote
Goody, SASS #26190 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 (edited) We have a kitchen available for both clubs that share our range. There is someone that cooks/provides food for each club on Saturday and Sunday. They provide everything, and collect the money for themselves. Usually about $5.00 for a plate, hamburger, pulled pork, shepards pie, tacos, something along those lines. Obviously only one choice per weekend. These are served and we have picnic tables available under a covered awning while waiting for the scores/awards. Edited December 1, 2016 by Goody, SASS #26190 Quote
Rance - SASS # 54090 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Our local club for monthly's? We have a couple of restraurants about 3 miles away (in town) that can handle our group of shooters.. We try to notify them ahead of time.. We invite every shooter at our shooters meeting to join us there after our match is done.. Great fellowship and Uuuhhhh... Lies?? Eeerrrr Uuuuuhhh... .stories... About why their match went the way it did.. Rance. Thinkin just the way we do it.. 1 Quote
Yul Lose Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 At our monthly we don't have a lunch at any of the clubs that I shoot at. The Cowboys usually has a hot dog or taco vendor. The other clubs have restaurants near by that we frequent after the match. At Escondido Bandidos I grill buffalo burgers and hot dogs a couple of times a year. No one wants to stay around after a match in these parts and NO ONE wants to stop for lunch halfway through. Quote
Captain Bill Burt Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 We have a wonderful young lady named Rebecca who provides a homemade lunch for the modest fee of $6. 1 Quote
Creeker, SASS #43022 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Lunch at the conclusion of the match? Great; I can choose whether I want to extend my day or not. Lunch in the middle? Not so great. I only get a couple days a week off work and while I love you guys; I have other things I may want or need to tend to. A match with a forced break in the middle will likely be skipped. For instance, this weekend is the Eldorado Cowboys monthly. My Sunday plans include shooting Sunday @ 9, finishing by 11:30; having the steel put away by 12:30. Going to Cowboy Christmas at the convention center (all western and cowboy themed sales items - rodeo events), then going to a poker tournament @ 7. All the while spending time with my girlfriend and my daughter. Tacking an extra break in the middle means I have to bypass something else. Quote
Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 We did food for a few years but all the work kept falling to the officers and the donations weren't meeting expenses so we dropped them. Funny thing: no one really complained about them being gone, either???? Guess it was one of the side benefits that wasn't really a benefit. Annual we contract with a BBQ trailer and they come out and feed the masses. We used to assign a officer to this but was way too much work for a couple of people. Tried catering from existing restaurants: didn't provide what they said they would; boy scouts: guess they were working on their "watching squirrels" merit badges and didn't follow through and getting members to provide a dish or two was a total disaster. cr Quote
G W Wade Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 We are a close (small) group that has evolved into a camping club. I usually leave Friday afternoon and leave Sunday afternoon. Our monthly shoot starts a noon Saturday. Read that maximum campfire time. Saturday night is a potluck. Developing some new dutch oven cooks that cover meals other than potluck. Amazing how many people show up to set up and take down range, when food and fellowship gets added. GW Come on up and give a try if it sounds good, we are a friendly group. Quote
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Sometimes the Treasurer of The Outlaws will make lunch. The club pays. It is served after the matches in nice weather. Otherwise, we eat out. Quote
Krazy Kajun Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Our local club for monthly's? We have a couple of restraurants about 3 miles away (in town) that can handle our group of shooters.. We try to notify them ahead of time.. We invite every shooter at our shooters meeting to join us there after our match is done.. Great fellowship and Uuuhhhh... Lies?? Eeerrrr Uuuuuhhh... .stories... About why their match went the way it did.. Rance. Thinkin just the way we do it.. Rance....I b'lieve its more formally called "the truths as we best remember them" Kajun 1 Quote
Deadeye George Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 (edited) Our local club monthly mach - lunch break between stages 3 and 4, bring a sack lunch or whatever you want to munch on Nearby club monthly match - shoot straight through 6 stages THEN many of us get together at a local restaurant for lunch, the others hit the road going back home. I really like this, you really get to know others and actually folks stop being fellow shooters and become friends! As far as lies go, when I moved to Arizona from Texas six years ago I left my "Texas lying ways" behind me and of course no one in Arizona tells lies so I fit right in! Edited December 1, 2016 by Deadeye George Quote
Cemetery Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I personally prefer shooting monthly matches straight through without stopping for lunch. Cold, or hot weather, can really be a flat tire on an extended day. Enjoy going to a local cantina and cooling off, or warming up, after a few hours of shooting. Quote
Judge'm All Duncan, SASS#67320 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Shooting 5 or 6 stages strait through. If you have to eat do it while the scores are tallied up. Best thing is to pack up the steel and anybody that wants can go somewhere. Give out the awards at the next match. Quote
Waimea Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Been told NO FOOD FIGHTS! Hardly seems fair but... Anyway, there's a couple small clubs that I go to and they have food and adult bevridges (BYOB) after the match. Quite a nice touch. Some folks bring extras like chips . Fancy Filly even brought chili once. I like it. I also like going out to a restaurant (must serve beer) afterwards. I guess I'm just a social animal. Waimea 1 Quote
Rooster Ron Wayne Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 I am in Western Michigan . I shoot at a few places and most feed you . Some better then others . Rockford and Scottsville go first class ! Best food and best shoots . Thank you guys for setting the bar so high ! Quote
Cheyenne Culpepper 32827 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 The tusco longriders have Pam and her crew, breakfast and lunch at very very reasonable prices.. and lots of choices,,, we don't stop for lunch, the kitchen is rite on the range so for lunch run in when you're hungry or wait until after the shooting is over... we all LOVE PAM and her CREW!!!! Quote
Major Crimes Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Where food has been available here it is usually simple things that can be stored long term in the fridge/freezer and cooked when you can see who has turned up. So its pies, sausage rolls, dim sims, etc and the crew pull out enough for the number of people that turned up that day and the rest stays in the fridge for next month. Quote
irish ike, SASS #43615 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Two clubs shooting alternate weekends. About 4 times a year the clubs will buy and provide lunch after the shoot. We start at 9:30 and shoot 6 stages straight through. Done around 1. Pack steel away and head for home. No awards given. Score is posted that night on the web site. Socializing takes place prior to the shooters meeting and during the shoot. Ike Quote
Yusta B. Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 Badlands Bar 3 has a potluck lunch(no charge) after each monthly shoot. Items range from hotdogs & beans to grilled pork chops to lobsters (32 flown in from Maine on one memorable day). Thanksgiving was awesome - turkey, dressing, WAY too many desserts, etc. You just never know what will be there. It's an amazing place to shoot. :D Quote
Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 The thing I don't like about eating at our range is there are only shade structures. So, it can be hot, dusty, cold, or whatever. We do get a tent for our annuals. Quote
Count Sandor, SASS #74075 Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 The Illowa Irregulars have coffee, donuts, and occasionally breakfast pizza available during sign-up. During and after the match brats and hamburgers are grilled on-site, and chips/drinks are also available. These services are provided by the ladies of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, international collegiate and service sorority. ESA's primary philanthropic efforts are directed to St. Jude Children's Hospital, and all proceeds from our food sales go directly to St. Jude. Since our "cook shack" is centrally located on the cowboy range, some of our shooters choose to "eat on the run" during the match, others while scores are being tallied and awards presented. We do not have a formal break during the match. CS Quote
Calico Mary Posted December 1, 2016 Posted December 1, 2016 dunt noz bout anyone else, but I handle food wit my hands....unless it's like chili or sumthin' and then I use a spoon.... no, seriously, my club doesn't serve food, folks either go out to one of the restaurants in the little towns nearby, or some of us that camp will get out the grills and have pot lucks or such....the other club we regularly attend does serve lunch after, but the # of shooters at each shoot is pretty stable, of course there's more during nice weather than when it's cold, but they have a pretty gud idea every time how many mouths they'll have to feed Quote
Marshal Chance Morgun Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 The Illowa Irregulars have coffee, donuts, and occasionally breakfast pizza available during sign-up. During and after the match brats and hamburgers are grilled on-site, and chips/drinks are also available. These services are provided by the ladies of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, international collegiate and service sorority. ESA's primary philanthropic efforts are directed to St. Jude Children's Hospital, and all proceeds from our food sales go directly to St. Jude. Since our "cook shack" is centrally located on the cowboy range, some of our shooters choose to "eat on the run" during the match, others while scores are being tallied and awards presented. We do not have a formal break during the match. CS And they do a pretty darn good job, too. Quote
Ace_of_Hearts Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Shoot six stages........ Go to local food joint....... Eat chicken wings or hamburger and exchange lies...... Quote
John Boy Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Club A: Lunch included in Match Fee - total cost $11 Club B: No Lunch Quote
mean gun mark Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 our club provides lunch after the match, my wife and I do the cooking,usually the day before and its stuff that can be served from a crockpot. From soups, sloppy joes, a chili cookoff, smoked brats and even just lunchmeat sandwiches, since we took over doing the lunch the feedback has been very favorable, Quote
Yul Lose Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 dunt noz bout anyone else, but I handle food wit my hands....unless it's like chili or sumthin' and then I use a spoon.... no, seriously, my club doesn't serve food, folks either go out to one of the restaurants in the little towns nearby, or some of us that camp will get out the grills and have pot lucks or such....the other club we regularly attend does serve lunch after, but the # of shooters at each shoot is pretty stable, of course there's more during nice weather than when it's cold, but they have a pretty gud idea every time how many mouths they'll have to feed I must admit that when I shot with the Regulators up at Cheyenne in September that that lunch after the match was great. Occasionally JJ up at Cajon will have a hotdog lunch after the match and it's well attended and appreciated. We have a great facility at Escondido Bandidos and everytime we have a potluck or BBQ it's pretty popular but I don't know how it would work on a monthly basis. I usually do a shoot thru to get the fire going and stuff so the shooters won't have to wait to eat when all of the steel is put away. I don't know if I'd want to do that every month. Quote
Mud Marine,SASS#54686 Life Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 I was the belly robber at El Buscaderos for years. It was a buffet with nain dish, salad and dessert. I also made coffee. Unfortunately, the number of shooters dropped tolowthat it made no sense. Currently, there's not even coffee. I have gotten older, Grand Patron, and have had a few health issues so my attendance is very spotty. Further, my sons have me stay with thrm from the Marine Corps Birthday through February. We always have pastries, juice and coffee in the morning at Border Marauders and a lunch for SASSand CFDA matches. We are only open in late Spring to early fall. We never charged for coffee and never more that $5-00 for a full lunch. The lunch was at the end and usually most shooters enjoyed it. Quote
Rye Miles #13621 Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Firelands Peacemakers shoot at Rochester Gun Club. They provide lunch for our monthly shoots. Some people don't like to break after 3 stages for lunch but the volunteers from the Gun Club would like to get home before too long so that's why we break. We try and keep them happy becuae we are shooting on THEIR property. They make a little money on the lunches which is well needed. Quote
Wyatt Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 (edited) Back to the original question. How do you handle food at monthly matches? Lunch with both hands.........Dinner with a fork and knife Edited December 2, 2016 by Wyatt 2 Quote
Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 Posted December 2, 2016 Posted December 2, 2016 Here, in and around the Ottawa Canada area, (Ottawa Valley Marauders, Wild Turkey Posse, Ruff's Regulators etc. we opted out of providing food during the spring, summer and fall matches and reduced the price per match accordingly. We provide cold bottled water, but the matches are advertised as "No Chuck-wagon" affairs and shooters bring their own lunches. Our sole winter match, (February - "Winter Camp") is the only one we'll provide hot beans and coffee in addition to what the shooters bring for their lunch. Quote
Innocent Bystander SASS #24171 Posted December 3, 2016 Posted December 3, 2016 (edited) I have not been to a match here in Nevada or California that provides lunch at monthlies. I went to one match in Missouri that had lunch between stages 4 and 5 and I gotta tell ya that it was really hard getting back into the mood to shoot after eating lunch at a monthly. Back in the old days (15 years ago) Nevada Rangers used to have a guy named Prospector who loved to cook, he never shot, just cooked. Breakfast was eggs, bacon and toast for a couple of bucks, lunch was hamburgers and hot dogs for $5 after the match. Maybe 12 years ago he stopped coming to the matches and we stopped having food. Edited December 3, 2016 by Innocent Bystander SASS #24171 Quote
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