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My recommendation for a shooter's first cap & ball sixgun

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I don't know if that I can agree with the "don't get the brass frame" advice. (I know, "You'll shoot your eye out, kid.)


I only bought the pair of Piettas because they were on sale at Cabelas at a very attractive price. I've already shot them more than a lot of cap guns get shot in a lifetime. If they crap out the next time I shoot them, so be it. I'd feel I got my money's worth. If the frame does go, I'll still have the cylinders and a bunch of spare parts so not all is lost.

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Re the '61. I don't own one, never shot one, but from remembering some of BDM's videos, he had more "cap sucker" problems with them than any other guns he's filmed.


I watched Griff put the eyes on the chickens at Back At Cha. Good shooting there, pard! I was shooting Outlaw, so I considered myself lucky it I even hit a chicken.


I've shot '51's, '60's, and Walkers at matches. I prefer my '60's for CAS. For just plain old fun shooting though, the '51's are hard to beat.


If you do shoot any .36 caliber at a match don't be surprised if spotters call hits as a miss.

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Heck I have had misses called by Smokeless shooters shooting 270 gr. RNFP bullets over 2.5 cc ...

I took a picture of the figure 8 of the freshly painted (first shooter) Target and some still wanted to call it as only one hit ...


Shooting black we don't need bad calls , try and give us a fair shake ...



Jabez Cowboy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite the advice of Mike and others, I like my brass frame Pietta Confederate 44s.


I was looking for other stuff on the Cabelas web site and I see them on sale for $149.99. Both long barrel or short.






I bought these on Black Friday last year. They have the comfortable Colt style grips - not the criticized "duck tail" contour.


I've been out practicing shooting gunfighter with them the past three days. Loaded with light load of BlackMZ and no goop of any kind, I shot 50-60 balls through them without cleaning or problems. (Other than one cap falling in behind hammer.)

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