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Winter Range 2017 Applications are Up!

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The 2017 Winter Range applications are now on the Winter Range website http://www.winterrange.com. This year's theme is Spaghetti Westerns and we have some ideas for stages that should knock your socks off! This year we have decided to throttle back just a bit from the 800+ that attended last year so the match is going to be limited to 720 shooters. See you there.

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We will be there with Ranger attitudes and hearts!!!

We're looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the Rangers. I think you will like what we are planning for stages one through four. :D

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[quote name="Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933". I think you will like what we are planning for stages one through four. :D


I look forward to all your stages at Winter Range.


Marshal Stone

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[quote name="Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933". I think you will like what we are planning for stages one through four. :D


I look forward to all your stages at Winter Range.


Marshal Stone


We always look forward to seeing you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tacky Jacky and I are filling out our applications for our first trip to Winter Range. We would like to dry camp at the range. Can anyone tell me what day you can arrive? Can you come in on Sunday before the Wild Bunch starts on Monday and can you wait till Monday morning after the Sunday awards to leave? I can't get Sunshine Kay's email link to work from the web site. I'm sure Kay will return my phone call but we were filling out these applications now (patients isn't my best quality :D ).

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I just checked Kay's email link and it seemed to be working OK. The dry camping is where the Rough Riders and Rangers camp so there is somewhere there from Sunday through the following Monday. Junior Bravo is our new facilities manager so he is handling the dry camping. His email is juniorbravo@me.com Don't worry about dry camping. It is handled by Winter Range and not Ben Avery so there is plenty of space and plenty of time.

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Boise...Shanley and I like staying in the Ben Avery East dry camping. They have shower/bath houses....and are just a short jaunt to the range....majority of the camp is us WR shooters.

$50 a week....you can reserve on the Ben Avery home page...click camping, click Winter Range only ( usually red)

Not sure ehen they open registration.

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Just to be clear Sue and i are talking about two different things. Ben Avery has some dry camping on the east side of the range. WR has dry camping directly across the street from the range. There is no bath house in the WR dry camping area, it is genuine dry camping. ;)




Here are Ben Avery's Winter Range camping guidelines. Opens September 1. It is kind of like the Oklahoma land run. First come, first served and they sell out fast.





Click on Winter Range in the box at the top of the page.



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My APP is in and I'm #37. I should be safe. We need snow in Colorado first Then I will be ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The family and I are all signed up for our first trip to Winter Range. In fact we have a hand full of pards from our club headed down for the first time as well. See you all there !

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After misplacing the filled out app, stamps and envelopes I was able to drop in the mail last night so you should get it by. The end of the week if the USPS do their job correctly! I also sent out a app for the fall fandango next month after the ABQ ballon festival.be busy end of September beginning of oct his year with verde valley wars, ABQ ballon festival then fall fandango then home to prep for trip east after voting early then drive to sc for givens ferry the second weekend of November then gist with family and friends until mid January then head back stopping at home to reload etc then to as for fire and ice and WR then depending I might hang out there for a couple of months or head home since there's nothing after WR in as or nm till EOT then things get busy again.

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After misplacing the filled out app, stamps and envelopes I was able to drop in the mail last night so you should get it by. The end of the week if the USPS do their job correctly! I also sent out a app for the fall fandango next month after the ABQ ballon festival.be busy end of September beginning of oct his year with verde valley wars, ABQ ballon festival then fall fandango then home to prep for trip east after voting early then drive to sc for givens ferry the second weekend of November then gist with family and friends until mid January then head back stopping at home to reload etc then to as for fire and ice and WR then depending I might hang out there for a couple of months or head home since there's nothing after WR in as or nm till EOT then things get busy again.

Your more than welcome to hang out, AZ would love to have ya for a while

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Got my confirmation in Saturday's mail. Fingers McGee is shooter #113 Frontiersman.


Fingers (Show Me MO smoke) McGee

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  • 3 weeks later...

We have gottn three phone calls from people saying they have heard Winter Range 2017 is full. At this point that is NOT true. Applications are coming in on a daily basis but there are still plenty of slots available.

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