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FS: Colt .380 Hammerless

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Have up for sale a little Colt .380 Hammerless. I will go over the kinda bad first. Gun has no magazine. There is dent in the crown of the barrel, and some slight corrosion on the left side under grip panel. The pics will show these items very well. Now the good, Blueing overall is pretty dang good, gun works as it should, smooth as glass and probably one of the best feeling little autos I have ever had in my hand. The grips are Franzite and are period for the gun. I cannot be for certain but the resources I have available to me say that this one was built in 1915, What more can I say, it's a cool Colt auto from a cool time period. I have Colt patterned repro grips and a magazine on back order from Triple K, if you want me to keep them on backorder I can and when they come send them to you, they will be additional $82 for both and would ship them to you for free.


$400 shipped to your FFL. First "I'll take it" posted here gets it.











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I do not think the gun has been re blued. The lettering and rampant Colt are crisp with no soft edges. The blueing and patina are evenly worn with that blueish colt blue look. The area that has corrosion looks to have been wired brushed by hand and oiled but there is no over blue on that area. So in my estimation the gun has not been re blued but I cant say for certain.


Thanks for your interest,



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