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Somebody's Prayin, I Can Feel It. (Re: Jim No Horse, aka Tusco Horse, aka Chemo Sabe, aka Honorary JEDI #222)

Del Rio Pete

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Dang it, sorry to learn of the diagnosis change. Wishing you the best results from the Cyberknife procedure. Just keep on truckin' !


Vaya con Dios, Keystone

19 hours ago, Jim No Horse said:

Well...I got bad news and bad news...LOL...my pathologist report was correct...non malignant  fatty mass....unfortunately the biopsy needle missed the tumor so the pathologist was correct.... unfortunately the tumor is hot as seen in the PET scans and believed now to be lung cancer. I go Tuesday  morning at 10 am for MRIs and CT scans to get ready for the Cyberknife....and the good news is....I am still shooting...LOL.. Your prayers are needed....Jim

Did the needle miss and get into that space twixt your ears (Non-malignant fatty mass) ?????


Continued prayers JNH. I hope to see you in Determination, TX on Dec 16th!  


Prayers continue for you, my friend.

Fight the good fight & keep on shootin'

Thinkin' of you this Holiday season.


On 11/27/2017 at 6:24 PM, Jim No Horse said:

....I am still shooting...LOL.. Your prayers are needed....Jim


I quoted Jim so he'd get an email notification.  


Sorry for the delay...I am still waiting for the Cyberknife Dr to get me in. Last week we did new CT scans and MRIs to get the exact location of the tumor so the computer that guides the Cyberknife hits the tumor and not the kidney or artery nearby.

Again I am waiting. Getting better at waiting...but patience is not my strong suit.  Thank you all for your concern. Also been sleeping like a bear...finished moving on Sunday...closed on our home of. 23 years Monday...so now I am in resting mode for a few days....Jim







Thanks for the update. Wishing y'all much happiness in your new abode. You stated in a previous post, "Still shooting......LOL......Your prayers are needed....." Are you requesting prayers for your shooting??

Vaya con Dios, Keystone


Jim, our lives and how we live em are our ultimate testimony. Your life and story are a true inspirational blessing to all of us and a faith builder. Gods plan is always always right, his timing always always perfect and we always always got your back in prayer. You're a hero already in heaven and continue to be one here for us ornery sideways shootin ilk. Blessings to you brother keep shootin straight



Time for a song while we are waiting to hear from Jim No Horse.


"Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" by Alan Jackson 




Friday at noon.... I just got the call from the cyberknife folks. They have me scheduled for Tuesday at 1pm....Wednesday at 2pm....and Friday at 2pm. Three days and three radiation treatments. Since the cancer has spread the insurance company will now pay for immunotherapy. My oncologist is looking into that and says there is a new one on the market that she believes will be a good fit for my cancer. That is all I have so again....thanks to all who have been there for me. Your prayers are needed. God bless you all in this Christmas season......Jim



Howdy Jim,


Appreciate the update pard. Hope your treatment is without incident. Best wishes with the immunotherapy as well.


Vaya con Dios, Keystone


That's a busy coming week, Jim.  At least you don't have to get up early.  Prayers continue and I hope you have a very merry Christmas season!

On December 15, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Jim No Horse said:

Friday at noon.... I just got the call from the cyberknife folks. They have me scheduled for Tuesday at 1pm....Wednesday at 2pm....and Friday at 2pm. Three days and three radiation treatments. Since the cancer has spread the insurance company will now pay for immunotherapy. My oncologist is looking into that and says there is a new one on the market that she believes will be a good fit for my cancer. That is all I have so again....thanks to all who have been there for me. Your prayers are needed. God bless you all in this Christmas season......Jim




Treatment today at 1:00 pm, Wednesday 2:00 pm & Friday 2:00 pm. 

We are praying for you and medical team.  


Hang in there Pard!


Prayers up


We're pullin' fer ya, pard.

Prayers & positive thoughts for successful treatments this week.



Had my first Cyberknife yesterday and the radiation is making me sick... nauseous. Might be a good thing as I can glow in the dark in the future and I won't need a flashlight. Just hold up a hand and light the way...LOL... Got another treatment at 2 pm today then another at 2pm Friday. Will try to post a picture tomorrow....Thanks Jim


Prayers continue my friend!! Hang in there!!


Cowboy Cyberknife with rattlesnake hatband......yeehaw...LOL.....



Last treatment is Friday at 2pm...

Looking forward to Christmas...gonna be a Blast!!! Please keep us in your prayers....Thanks...Jim



Most interesting picture, OSHA approved, I bet. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Noche de paz, Amigo.

Vaya con Dios, Keystone


To answer Keystone's post question about what I am praying  for. Yes,  I am praying to be a faster shooter...yeehaw...but don't tell anyone Keystone...this is our secret...LOL...


God Bless you all...thank you my friends...and have a Merry Christmas and a day of peaceful reflection with family and friends .....Thank you all more than words can express....Jim





Heb 10 35-36

So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will recieve what he has promised.

Jim, stay pressed into Jesus he has you.

You inspire all of us!


  • 4 weeks later...


How are you feeling?

What is going on in your world?

Del Rio Pete


Been in and out of bed with the radiation blues and the fire ant legs for over 5 weeks! What a great combination ...nausea....vomiting... diarrhea... then an appetizer  of constipation for a couple  of days intermixed with fire ant legs.  

Went to the oncologist  today and having an MRI tomorrow  morning then PET Scans (full body image) next Tuesday morning....then the dreaded wait for results. All things considered I much prefer this side of the grass....Again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...Great holiday though....my granddaughter, Scarlett and the kids came for a week and we just hung out around the fireplace telling stories and getting reacquainted....it was wonderful and made my heart smile...Jim 




Howdy Jim,

Sounds like the treatment aftermath is a carousel of unpleasant, irritating and down right pain in the rear side effects. Sorry you've been burdened with all the discomfort. However, your still on the green side and had a special time with Scarlet & family. May God Bless. Keep on keepin' on.


Vaya con Dios, Keystone

4 hours ago, Jim No Horse said:

Been in and out of bed with the radiation blues and the fire ant legs for over 5 weeks! What a great combination ...nausea....vomiting... diarrhea... then an appetizer  of constipation for a couple  of days intermixed with fire ant legs.  

Went to the oncologist  today and having an MRI tomorrow  morning then PET Scans (full body image) next Tuesday morning....then the dreaded wait for results. All things considered I much prefer this side of the grass....Again, thank you all for your thoughts and prayers...Great holiday though....my granddaughter, Scarlett and the kids came for a week and we just hung out around the fireplace telling stories and getting reacquainted....it was wonderful and made my heart smile...Jim 



Been a rough ride for you, recently.

I pray the meds do their jobs and make you a faster shooter.




You are one tough cowboy.

Hope the fireants go away soon so you can sleep.

Let us know what the doctors say next week.


Hang in there JNH.

We send daily prayers & positive thoughts your way that healing will happen & all will be well for you.

--Dakota Skipper & the Dawg 


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