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America's Presumptive Nominees: My Personal View

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Now that we pretty much know who our choices will be this November, my impressions AT THIS POINT are pretty much cyrstalized.


If Republicans remain as divided as they are now get yourself ready for a President Hillary and a dramatically enhanced continuation of the destructive force we've seen throughout the last 8 years. Regardless of the specifics, the bottom line is unmistakeable; she will be destructive.


If Trump somehow unites Republicans and inspires enthusiasm across the board and is elected, I fear he will be disappointing. Not so much based on what he does but what he doesn't or can't do as a result of the exceptionally high expectations he's sewn throughout his avid supporters. When he can't deliver on all his promises to turn the immense ship of state around on a dime, many hopes will be dashed.


Having said all that, I will be voting for Trump as I prefer some disappointment to assured destruction.


We simply cannot continue down the destructive road we've been on by having the anti gun, anti constitutional Hillary Clinton in the White House.


I only ask you to think about it logically. Leave emtions behind...especially if Trump wasn't your candidate. Think of the coming election as a pure fight against those who seek to dominate you and curtail your liberty at every turn. Yes, Trump cannot and will not meet all your expectations but again, I strongly believe some degree of disappointment is preferable to continued destruction.


Just the view from my personal foxhole...

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We are scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, Trump is a bit less objectionable than Clinton. Those who waste a vote by not voting or writing in a third party nominee play right into Clinton's agenda.

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Well said Col.

Supreme Court nominations. This is important as can be. They have already announced their intentions to do as much damage to the Second Amendment and I would submit that ANY candidate that doesn't respect one fundamental Constitutional right respects NONE of them.


People who stay home, vote third party are voting for the Dems...and Hillary (though that's not what we call her at my ranch)

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