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What is the 'normal' turn-out for you matches?

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After reading the CC I always get the feeling that all clubs have 12-15 posses and hundreds showing up to shoot.


My wife informs me that might not be the case...



so what is you 'normal' turn out for your matches?


I my case one club has about 50-60 shooters per month


the other club is more like 20-25 on a good day




In the not too distant past, one club I shot with averaged 5-6 shooters a month.


One averages about 20, another averages 20-25.


Bar 3 -2016- shoots both days - 3rd weekend


Jan Sat 27 Sun 22

Feb 33 22

Mar 29 17

Apr 39 17


It depends somewhat on what's going on in the area.


The annual this year is BAC - about 325.

Past "annual" has been CAC - (actually the Southwest Regional )425


Dulzura. 14-20

Escondido 40-60

Cajon. 60-100. (estimate)

The Cowboys, Norco 80-120 (estimate)


20 to 30 at typical monthly matches in these here parts...60-75 at club annual shoots.


My local club............Summer 15-24.... Winter 0

Another local club... Summer 25..........Winter 0

Another local club....Summer 35-40....Winter 0




Rance. ;)


Thinkin there ain't much shootin' here in the winter


The two clubs I shoot most with average between 30 and 40 a match. I have seen up to about 120 at a monthly in these parts.


Any weekend of the month there is a club shooting with in an hour and change of Denver, And most weekends of a given month during the summer there are two clubs shooting. No shortage of places to go play cowboy, at least when the weather cooperates, which this spring is hasn't.


Back when there weren't as many clubs around, 80-100 wasn't uncommon.


My home club usually averages 6-10 at a monthly, and the other club I shoot at typically has a little over 20


We had 13 for the first match of the year in March. Had 9 last month. Weather was better last month but we lost some shooters because last month's match was on opening day of rockfish season.


Our club averages 30 shooters. Our 2016 season started with 34 shooters. Last year we had a high of 40 and low of 23.


The two SASS clubs in central Iowa are the Zen Shootists and Fort Des Moines Rangers. 25-35 shooters.


CR - one thing to keep in mind is that most of the matches reported in the CC are annuals, annuals typically draw way more shooters than monthly club matches.


35-40 average at our Monthly match. That number has dropped some over the years. Our Annual match usually pulls 100-115 shooters, but it was down about 10% this year.




The Ozark Posse will average about 22 over the year.


After reading the CC I always get the feeling that all clubs have 12-15 posses and hundreds showing up to shoot.


My wife informs me that might not be the case...



so what is you 'normal' turn out for your matches?


I my case one club has about 50-60 shooters per month


the other club is more like 20-25 on a good day



If you have 50-60 shooters for a monthly match you are way above average. Here in Az where there are a lot of retired folks shooting, a few clubs have 100 to 125 or more shooters for a monthly match in the winter months, a lot fewer in the summer months. Closer to WR these clubs get a few more. Other clubs survive with around 30 plus or minus shooters for monthly matches. The state championship of Az has over 300 shooters. Most of the club yearly matches get over 100 shooters. Some of those had to stop due to lack of shooters or workers. Monthly matches in the summer have far fewer shooters due to the weather and retired folks going to cooler weather for the summer in other parts of the country. Reading the CC is not a good way to judge sizes of monthly matches as they are rarely or never mentioned in the CC. What you usually see are state championships or regional matches. There are state championships that barely get 100 shooters and club yearly matches that only draw like 75 shooters.


i checked the scores of some "local" clubs (within ~120 miles of me), and found that it's very seldom there are more than 20 shooters, unless it's a Territorial or State match. Even the State shoots haven't topped 100 in a few years. Attendance has dropped considerably in recent years - lack of components, high fuel prices, whatever, but it's dropped.


Forwarned: Generally speaking, 30,000 paid up SASS members...world wide,,, sorry, can not break out USA vs all other countries

Generally speaking, 330,000,000 people in the USA,,,sorry, can not break out different countries


30,000/330,000,000 = 0.00090 or 90 sass members per 100,000 population. Something less because of the lack of numbers to break out just of the USA. Then there are the non SASS members.



So, how many people in a radius of 100 miles around your club? Of course, some regions have a somewhat higher/lower density of SASS shooters. Like New York City, Chicago, LA, and other major metro city will not have same density.


This will give folks something to chew on.


One club I belong to gets about 10 shooters at a monthly shoot. The other club I belong to usually gets about 20.


Paradise Pass, in NE Indiana is open rain, snow, hot or cold. The winters have only missed two months these past 10 years and it was due to snow too deep to get to the range.




March 30

April 63

May BP 75

June 65

July 45

Aug 54

Sept 40

State 175

Oct 26


Dec 22

Jan 25

Feb 18

Mar 24

Apr 34






The clubs I got to, Firelands, Tusco, Sandusky, OVV and Brown Twp. are anywhere from 30-70 shooters depending on the weather.


We even get about 25-30 on Firelands Wednesday shoot!!!


Ohio is alive with CAS!!!! The Wild Wild Midwest!!!


Old North State Posse - we run from around 35 to 50 at monthly matches depending on weather and competing events. Run around 60 to 70 for our one day annual match.


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