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SOLD Pair Custom 5" Stainless ROAs

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Up for sale is a pair of stainless 5 fixed sight custom ROAs. These pistols started life as 7 ½ adjustable sight models. The factory barrels were cut to 5, re crowned and the Ruger Bible removed. The blade front sight was replaced with a 3/16 brass post sight. The top strap was thinned down and a new wider rear sight groove was milled in. The lower frame was rounded and profiled to give the guns a sleeker more Colt appearance as well as making them easier to holster. The cylinders have been fluted and beveled. The action job consists of new 17# wolf mainsprings with reduced trigger return springs, Treso nipples and the timing adjusted to not leave rings. The guns come with checkered Altamont slim grips in Silver Black. Included with the guns are the original loading levers with one stock plunger and one plunger modified with a brass extension.

$1,850.00 Plus shipping

Please note that these are percussion black powder pistols so they can be sent directly to you in most states. Please know the law in your state as to whether you can receive them directly.

Thanks for looking,










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Hey John, Thank you for the compliment. The pictures really don't do these pistols justice. Straight Arrow shot these in the Winter Range Plainsmen event and came in second against Lefty Eastman, so these puppies can shoot. I hope you and yours are doing well and look forward to seeing you this summer.

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The only thing missing is the Bisley conversion. If I didn't have a set of roa and decide ss wasn't for me and had not already bought a Ruger 2912 a Marlin 1894 cowboy comp in 38 and possibly a S&W 9mm in the last couple of weeks I might still jump on them. Btt

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Well best wishes to finding that four leaf clover. I too hate when obligations get in the way of wants :P


I would also consider a partial trade for a Marlin Cowboy .38


Last price reduction $ 2,000.00 including shipping.



Best regards,



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Never realized cap and ball pistols were worth so much. It's a lot of work reloading, don't you think.

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The reason they're running so high is these are the most reliable c&b guns out of the box I changed the nipples on mine and they were just as reliable if I followed my routine as my cartridge guns. And they are not being produced anymore. I prefer the blue ones over the ss guns plus they are hard to find in the non adjustable frame these days.

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You also havta show me how to load 'em. What caliber? What size cap etc. Ah'm gitten a hankerin' to shoot plainsman at EOT this year. These are the ones ya never have ta clean too, right?

If, for some reason they quit working after shooting them for a while without cleaning, I'll give you doorstop price for them. :P



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CR are you coming to Paradise Pass this weekend? I want to redeem myself for last month with the broken equipment and make sure I beat you fair and square. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P Cowboy Rickkkkkkk Come out and Playyyyyyy

I'd love to, but family plans on on tap. IBPG stages are complete and will be mailed to KK & CC tonight after they're tweaked - see you in July!


I've been beat by better shooters than you :P:D


BTW - did you solve the sleeve issue?



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