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question about supply clerks in the Marines

Trigger Mike

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I have a friend whose ex husband was in supply in the Marines in Iraq the second time we went there. He used to call her from there and tell her he was going out on a mission and was afraid he was not coming back as well as tell her about the people he shot once he came home. in the army supply clerks stay in supply. Do Marine supply clerks go out or mechanics go out on missions and get in fire fights?


I think that he was BSing her. If not he's a jackass for saying something like that. My letters home from nam were full of weather reports, how much I missed home, and thanks for the care package. No John Wayne crap.

Come to think of it, he's a jackass either way. :angry:


About the only thing dad says about his time in Korea is how bad it smelled, and how scared he was.


When I asked him as a kid why we never camped out like Uncle Steve he said he "camped out" in a muddy cold bunker for over a year, and that was enough. Said if I wanted to camp out ask Uncle Steve, he would be glad to take me.


my friends mom agrees with you totally Utah Bob. it made me raise an eye brow when she told me last night that he told her how it bothered him that one of the non adults he killed turned out to be innocent. that'd be something id never tell a solitary soul. her mom thinks he's an a---- anyway since he cheated on his wife so there are other issues but i was just curious.


Guys like that usually have a Facebook page where they pose as war heroes.


When I was in 'Nam I was battalion Ordnance Supply Officer, had a nice desk in a Quonset hut, a clerk, a refrigerator just across from my desk. All at Cam Ranh Bay, nice and safe... usually.


On the other hand I had to travel all over II Corps South to straighten out GCFs all over. Saw a lot more shooting than I wanted to (and I didn't even know those guys or their sisters), but I don't buy this guy's stories at all.


One of the bravest men I ever saw was a Conscientious Objector who was assigned as a Chaplain's Assistant. He put himself in harm's way many times, once I saw in person, earned a pair of Purple Hearts, and never said a word about it nor about himself. He had a lot more courage than almost anyone I knew personally.


Braggarts are generally phonies, too.


He used to call her from there and tell her he was going out on a mission and was afraid he was not coming back as well as tell her about the people he shot once he came home.


I think I know the guy. Our next door neighbor some years ago took up with a guy whose family (according to him) owned a diamond mine in Africa, and while he was there trying to resolve a labor dispute he was infected with malaria so he couldn't work any more. He moved in with our neighbor, who supported him and her two kids on a warehouse worker's pay, then he started hitting on my wife. He finally went too far and we called the cops. They moved out of state a few days after that.


I wish I knew what drives guys to spin stories like that. I can't believe it's just for the sympathy. They must get some feeling of power out of manipulating people's emotions or something.


One of my friends has a son that was a helicopter mechanic in Iraq. He told his mother he never left the base but he told me and his father on more one occassion he and his crew were flown out to shot down helicopters and told to get them fixed and fly them back or else destroy them on site! Yes, he was shot at.


I have a friend whose ex husband was in supply in the Marines in Iraq the second time we went there. He used to call her from there and tell her he was going out on a mission and was afraid he was not coming back as well as tell her about the people he shot once he came home. in the army supply clerks stay in supply. Do Marine supply clerks go out or mechanics go out on missions and get in fire fights?

Good chance he was stretching the truth. It's not uncommon.


However, all sorts of people do all sorts of jobs, these days. My first time in Afghanistan, I was on a small FOB with advisors from several countries, we had inantrymen from the US, UK, France, Italy, New Zealand, as well as various sorts of French and British commandos, a couple of Gurkhas, a Royal marine or two, etc. But our security - towers, gates, etc. - was all provided by a unit of chemical corps people that were about 50% female - the only females on the FOB.


Hey, I know WHO you are talking about............. Brian Williams

But he really don't know if he was a Lt. or General at the time..... :D


Or is it Madam Sec. Clinton?


Both of them have seen more combative situation than folks realize..... :ph34r:





...I wish I knew what drives guys to spin stories like that. I can't believe it's just for the sympathy. They must get some feeling of power out of manipulating people's emotions or something.

They are ashamed of themselves so they over compensate by telling whoppers.


Good chance he was stretching the truth. It's not uncommon.


However, all sorts of people do all sorts of jobs, these days. My first time in Afghanistan, I was on a small FOB with advisors from several countries, we had inantrymen from the US, UK, France, Italy, New Zealand, as well as various sorts of French and British commandos, a couple of Gurkhas, a Royal marine or two, etc. But our security - towers, gates, etc. - was all provided by a unit of chemical corps people that were about 50% female - the only females on the FOB.


Our counterpart unit on my last deployment was a chemical company, with a good number of females. I'm not sure whether they went on missions, but they did pull security, etc...


As for the original post, I am going to say it is "possible," but I agree with UB's analysis.


We have a third hand story here. The guy, told his wife (now ex-wife) who told mike. All that and the passage of time. Wife would have been worried.


that tells me maybe the guy did not embellish his story but over time the way his wife perceived the story could have made it questionable.


I've learned to like these types of stories.


My brother-in-law. We are watching Forrest Gump, and there is a scene where they are flying in to an LZ. There is 60s background music playing. B-I-L says that he hates that song, as every time they flew into the jungle that song was playing over the loudspeaker. It brings back bad memories.


A Huey is too dang loud to hear any music, IF they played it (which they didn't), IF he had been in Vietnam (which he wasn't) IF he had been in the Army (which he also wasn't).


He told me about how, when he was a tank mechanic at Fort Knox, the commanding general came to see him, to find out why he had not done his yearly qualifying on the rifle range. He explained to the CG that he did not think he needed to shoot a rifle, as he was a mechanic. The CG told him to go qualify, so he drew an M1 GARAND and went and shot. smilie%20nodding_zpswgtzgdgj.gif


The one I really liked was when he was taking SCUBA lessons, and took his tanks off, on the bottom of the harbor, and swam to the surface while HOLDING HIS BREATH.




I've learned to like these types of stories.


My brother-in-law. We are watching Forrest Gump, and there is a scene where they are flying in to an LZ. There is 60s background music playing. B-I-L says that he hates that song, as every time they flew into the jungle that song was playing over the loudspeaker. It brings back bad memories.


A Huey is too dang loud to hear any music, IF they played it (which they didn't), IF he had been in Vietnam (which he wasn't) IF he had been in the Army (which he also wasn't).


He told me about how, when he was a tank mechanic at Fort Knox, the commanding general came to see him, to find out why he had not done his yearly qualifying on the rifle range. He explained to the CG that he did not think he needed to shoot a rifle, as he was a mechanic. The CG told him to go qualify, so he drew an M1 GARAND and went and shot. smilie%20nodding_zpswgtzgdgj.gif


The one I really liked was when he was taking SCUBA lessons, and took his tanks off, on the bottom of the harbor, and swam to the surface while HOLDING HIS BREATH.



Throat punch candidate.


His stories weren't just about his "military experience". Also about driving stock cars and hot rods and dragsters. And some of his excellent hunting stories, where he was making six and seven hundred yard shots on game on the other mountain.


Yuck - what a depressing thread - I hate liars!!!


Especially when it is how they were heroes in the military.


Ask them a few pointed questions - you will soon be able to discover the truth.


A good question is "Do you know what PTSD" stands for"?


Are you on disability from the VA? What percentage??


How many times have you had cancer caused by Agent Orange??


Humbly submitted - Boneyard Bill


Anyone remember the movie "I'm gonna get ya sucka"? Don't knock the power of the supply clerks

The mess steward, mail clerk, the guy who makes out the payroll, and supply clerk are the people you have to please.


Everyone else are pleasant to have on your side, but generally not essential. :P:D


The mess steward, mail clerk, the guy who makes out the payroll, and supply clerk are the people you have to please.


Everyone else are pleasant to have on your side, but generally not essential. :P:D

Except machine gunners. Machine gunners are essential. :D


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