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Old Winchester


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I found another original Winchester a while back, and of course, it followed me home. But, it is an odd-duck. It has a round barrel. But, it's an extra thick barrel (measures 24"). 44 W.C.F. It is a Winchester Barrel. Can't swear that it wasn't cut down and recrowned sometime in the past. Maybe yes, maybe no. Haven't weighed it, but it's heavier than my octagon-barrelled Winchesters. Wondering if this was an option, and what was its purpose??

Haven't found anything about it on-line yet.


Any info would be appreciated.

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I had an 1876 Winchester that came with an extra heavy round barrel. Back in those days Winchester offered pretty much anything a shooter wanted. If you think it is real you can get a letter from the Cody Museum. If if lists the barrel as being a factory option it is worth a little more money.

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Yes, Winchester offered heavier barrels and other options, for a price. The only price differential I can find is in Madis' Ch.32, where he states that most rifles had round barrels (except a few early M1886's) as standard, and octagon barrels were available at a cost of from $1.50 to $4.00 extra. Madis doe not state any other prices.

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