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Winter Range 2016 - It's Coming FAST!

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Finish packing tonight, load it all up, pick up Willie and Juana Killem in the morning, then it's time for a ROAD TRIP!!!!

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Hard to believe day one of setup is HERE! Sunny and 87 but low humidity so very pleasant work weather. As noted before Ben Avery is a large public shooting range so everything has to be hauled onto the range to setup Winter Range. Most bays start off like this.




First thing is all the targets are numbered and loaded onto trailers and taken to their bays.




The day's objective is to move all the targets and major props from a storarge yard onto the ranges. This was done and work started putting the props together.


The train and what will be an updated version of the Brighton Belle.






The General Store is progressing nicely and should be ready to welcome the shooters!




A HUGE crew of volunteers showed up to help with setup. Many are new people that are coming to Winter Range for the first time. Lots of water and cold drinks and a large spread of food for lunch. At day's end for those that wished there were "adult" beverages. ;)


Back out to the range tomorrow and continue the process of turning bare desert into a town.


Thank you volunteers! Lots of hard hot work and will look awesome, as always. We leave Saturday for Winter Range-safe travels to all.


Oh puleazzze!


You kicked my fat arse up one side of the range and down the other last year!


Hey anyone at Ben Avery already, if you see Red River Wrangler today, wish him a happy birthday for me!


Larsen - any new pictures?


I have to endure tomorrow and Monday in the office before I can finish loading up the buckboard and head your way.


Day two - whew. Everyone is pretty tired. Overcast and high 70's today. Winter Range is not a club so there is little or no opportunity to test stages before the match. The stages are drawn on computer based on years of stage writing experience. However, no one knows exactly what the stages will look like until the props are up and the steel placed. Then each stage has to be viewed from different angles to see if the angles are correct or if there is any interference between targets, prop supports, etc. As one person looks over the stages others move the targets into their final locations and they are staked.






A lot of the props are HEAVY. We use to be younger and better looking and simply muscled them into place. With age and wisdom :) we finally had to rent a fork lift and people basket to help get the heavy props built.






In addition to being heavy some of the props are quite tall. In the "good" old days we would pull up a pickup truck, stack pallets in the bed and set ladders on the pallets to assemble tall props. Again, the fork lift made things easier and safer.






Here is one stage that presents a target rich environment!!! Basically a shooter's choice. Five shooting positions and the shooter must shoot from at least three different positions. Guns in any order except rifle cannot be last. Not as hard as it looks. Will be a fun stage.




Larson, the set up looks Fantastic! Good Job And a big Thank You to all the volunteers! SOooooo looking forward being a part of this years Winter Range! C-Ya all there! Will Lynchem.


Will be at Ben Avery in a few hours. Yippee


You are lucky, you missed the big wind storm last night, it was brutal, I don't think I slept hardly at all.


My first day working to set-up Winter Range(day 3 of the full set-up crew). Spent the entire day placing and assembling board walk. Full Boardwalk on stages 1-4, 7 & 8, 9 & 10. By the end of the second day we were staking targets in place.










Any new pictures from today? My operatives tell me that everything is set up and painted and about ready to go.


I'm here in spot 19 horah


Left this evening from Fort Worth, staying in Abilene tonight. Will be shooting at Tombstone Sunday, sight seeing around Tucson Monday and make it to Winter Range Tuesday to check in and shop vendors. Road Trip on Progress!



Got some more stuff loaded in the van this afternoon, and we don't even leave til first thing Tuesday morning...


I'll wait until then to throw in the kitchen sink, it's one of the few things I haven't already packed :D


Got my shoot'n irons and ammo on the flying wagon train! Next stop Winter Range!!!!




Dave the placement will be for wild bunch they will reconfigure around mid week for the cowboy match unless they use same target placement for both but will not find out for another hour when registration opens.


If someone happens to see my name on a posse list let me know, I'm curious who I'll be shooting with...


Been workin on the old FORD trying to get all ready Too many things to do & not enough time.Hope to get out of here Tuesday afternoon after CaTazTrophy gets out of school.See everbody there sometime Wednsday...




Well, right on cue, there is a snow storm coming in tonight, and we leave in the morning...seems like every time I go to winter range I get snow going both ways.


Keep it there tired of shooting write on bad weather been there 3 times and bad weather every time



You mean you don't want me to bring weather like I did in 2013? IIRC lots of rain side match day and a dusting of snow on Friday!


My posse managed to miss the rain last year.


I was loading cap and ball in the rain last year


cap guns in the rain does not sound at all fun. Nothing but sun shine in the forecast for Winter Range this year.


Well, right on cue, there is a snow storm coming in tonight, and we leave in the morning...seems like every time I go to winter range I get snow going both ways.



Yeah, yeah, yeah..............Next you're going to try to tell us it's uphill both ways. :P




Yeah, yeah, yeah..............Next you're going to try to tell us it's uphill both ways. :P




Got in Sunday looks to be a great shoot.


Stopped out there today to get shooters packets and to start shopping. What wonderful shooters bags given to all participants. Stages look terrific. Tomorrow son picks up his guns and ammo from friend that drove em down, and we hope to practice at Cowtown then check into our hotel for rest of week.


Really not liking the forecast for Raton Pass mid day tomorrow.... 3-5 inches overnight, 1-3 more thru the day, and 25 MPH winds...


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