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Promo Powder

Jackaroo, # 29989

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Anyone know of any Promo powder availability?

My shotguns really likes it!

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Promo is all I use for all my shotguns. I use it for Skeet loads as well as for cowboy loads. I also use it in my 44-40 cartridges. I was able to score an 8 pounder about a week ago at my local gun store. With tax it was about $129. It shows up every now and then locally but I haven’t seen any on the net for a long time. Wish I could be more help.

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Slightly better than Red Dot availability from what I've seen. Most folks have figured out they are interchangeable by weight, so where there is a shortage of RD, there's a following shortage of Promo.


But, it's more available than Clays! (Small relief, huh?)


All the powders are slowly getting better. Just keep your shorts on!


Good luck, GJ

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Not Promo, but Cabelas has 700x (plus titegroup, W231, and a bunch of other pistol powders) available. Check gunbot.net.

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Yeah,...Shooting Fox fixed me up.....Ta.

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