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Apache symbol

Rye Miles #13621

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On a Wanted Dead or Alive episode tonight I saw a swastika on a tent in an Apache camp. Never knew about the "whirling logs"






The design currently know as a swastika is a spiritual symbol THOUSANDS of years old.


Unfortunately it and many other ancient spiritual symbols were adopted by hitler and perverted by the natzis. :( :( :(


The swastika also shows up in Hinduism. The name actually comes from sanskrit.


The swastika is an ancient symbol in many places around the world, including among many American Indian tribes. It was always a positive symbol. I have several old books about Indians from the late 19th/early 20th century that have the symbol.


Alas, Hitler ruined its use for generations to come.


Some of the buildings in downtown Farmington have the emblem on them from the 1920's or earlier..

The restored railroad hotel café in Mountanair NM has them on the ceilings as well!


Swastikas all over Vietnam on temples, and they are found in many SE Asian countries, India, and even France, all predating Hitler by hundreds of years.


It was also the emblem of the US Army 45th ID. From what I can see the non-nazi symbol is normally seen displayed at a 90 degree angle and the nazi swastika is at a 45 degree angle.


I was stationed at ACB-1 san diego, calif. and our barracks were built swastika shape. we would joke about how this looked to planes flying over. GW


Always startling to see. I bought a small collection of Kipling's books, that were printed prior to WW1, in 1914.




I've heard that Nazi swastikas were pointing right while non-Nazi pointed left, and I've head that Nazi were at an angle while non-Nazi were square, and it's all garbage. The pre-Nazi swastika points right/left/up/sideways/every which way. Hitler screwed it for the rest of the world. Just like he did the mustache. The "Hitler Mustache" - it came from America. But Hitler took it, made it his, and nobody can wear one anymore.




Richardson's Trading Postr in Gallup has a very old navajo rug with whirling logs in each corner. It's not for sale.

As mentioned, the 45th Infantry Div had the design prior to WWII and switched it to the Thunderbird.



Local indians called it the "wheel of life"


That's what I remember my GrandMother calling them. :FlagAm:



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