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Firelands Wednesday

Rye Miles #13621

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Yeehaw…..Our first wed. shoot of the new year! Wetherman says 55 and partly sunny!


5 stages, 5 bucks, no lunch, no prizes, no categories, just have fun!


We set up 3 stages at around 8:00 am, sure would be nice to have a few pards chip in. With a handful of us setting up 3 stages it'll take no time. You won't even work up a sweat! All the help is really appreciated.


See ya'll wed. April 1….this is NOT an April fools day prank either! :lol:


Check out our website for Thunder in the Valley coming in June, not too early to sign up! ;)




Yep, after a Looooooong Winter, shooting season is finally here.

Start it out right.

Nuthin warms up the old shooting eye than a Wednesday morning at Firelands.

Good time to try out gunfighter, or double duelist, or ???????



Hey Rye and Dawg been really looking forward to do some shooting,See you all next week,


I wrote some stages around "Tombstone".




Is there a better movie to headline the shooting season?????????????






Best modern western.......................Period!



Great ready lines from Wyatt, Doc, Fred White, & Ike Clanton.


And, yes, I used the whole line, so don't leave yer mind at the door!!!


See you there




Wish I could make but can't get a day off work in April , we've been trying to hire someone for a year & 1/2


Wish I could make but can't get a day off work in April , we've been trying to hire someone for a year & 1/2

Can't you get…uh…sick??? We won't tell! :P


What! Only 3 shooters on Wednesday. I guess I have to bring Me, myself and I. :)


It's about dang time for shooting!!!!

Hey you could shoot three times, it'll only cost ya 15 bucks!!! :P:P



Hey you could shoot three times, it'll only cost ya 15 bucks!!! :P:P


Do I have to have three different aliases? I.M. Crossdraw, Used 2B Crossdraw and Was Crossdraw.


Mighty confusing :wacko::D





Do I have to have three different aliases? I.M. Crossdraw, Used 2B Crossdraw and Was Crossdraw.


Mighty confusing :wacko::D


I like I.R. CROSSDRAW :)





Do I have to have three different aliases? I.M. Crossdraw, Used 2B Crossdraw and Was Crossdraw.


Mighty confusing :wacko::D




Hey Cheating Charlie,


Is this something I don't need to ask what the I.R. stands for? <_<:P

God only knows what's in Charlie's mind! :P


Rye, is this going to be your first match shooting gf?


OMG -- Rye's shooting GunFighter??????????????????


Gimme a bullet-proof vest!


Hey Russ -- Yer looking a little green around the gills.......................................Looks like the flu is gonna hit you Tuesday night. Best prepare to call in sick Wednesday morning!


:P Laughing Dawg :P


Rye will be fine shooting gf but him shooting smokeless well something just isn't right about that


Yep, I'm afraid that changing two things at once might be more than he can bear.

But he's a daisy if he can!

(Said with a Doc Holliday accent)

--Doc Dawg





Do I have to have three different aliases? I.M. Crossdraw, Used 2B Crossdraw and Was Crossdraw.


Mighty confusing :wacko::D


If all goes as planned I will be there Wed. to shoot with all 3 of ya! :huh:


No gunfighter, but smokeyless YES!! :P:)




Grumpy, best of luck to the Mrs. for a speedy recovery.


52, Partly Cloudy, No rain!

See y'all tomorrow



Smokeless and gf....Rye ....well you are a Daisy then.....lol.... Jim...this is just more than my constitution can bear.....go Doc....


Smokeless and gf....Rye ....well you are a Daisy then.....lol.... Jim...this is just more than my constitution can bear.....go Doc....

Say when!!! :P


But my fights not with you......yikes...I could get myself kilt.....gotta watch my .....when..now ..Daisy...pull them Smokewagons.....YEEHAW...Jim


Barring no problems in the am, I will be there. I am SO FREAKIN' READY to send some lead down range! Will try and get there early enough to help out where ever I can.




Yer always a welcome addition!

See ya tomorrow.



Man what I would give to shoot with you guys tomorrow. ..my best to you all and have a blast....Wednesday shoots...one of the coolest shoots on the Wire...Jim


Wish you were gonna be here tomorrow, Jim



Yea Jim, take a red eye flight and come join the fun! We're only 20 minutes from the airport! :P


Rye...hated to see this thread slide to page 2.....yeehaw...have a blast..Tombstone is the best movie...Jim


Well...how did the shoot go...lots of bang and clang....I gots ta know...lol...Jim


We had a ball! Only 18 shooters so one big happy posse! Shooting a whole shoot with smokeless was interesting. After shooting BP exclusively for 6 or 7 years I enjoyed the difference. I think I'm hooked on the heathen powder now!!!


Thanks for all the help we had a great bunch as usual! :)


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