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Hangin' a horseshoe

Rye Miles #13621

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I got a horseshoe hang in' over my back door, it's hangin' facing down (like an upside down U) cause it's easier to hang like that. I've heard some crazy things about which way is the right way to hang 'em! :blink:


What say you guys and girls?? :)




If you hang it upside down (open end) the luck will run out! Just drill out the nail holes big enough for a drywall screw.


I copied this


The way the horseshoe is hung and displayed varies. Some regions of the world believe that hanging the horseshoe in an upward position (U) holds in all the good luck and the powers it brings. For them, hanging the horseshoe upside down meant that its powers would fall away and dissipate. However, there are others who believe that hanging it in a downward position allows all of the good luck, protective powers and good fortune to shower upon you and surround the home. If you are doubly superstitious, you might want to hang one in each position. The choice is yours.


Hang two to be safe


I have a mood dispenser installed in mine, as it hangs downward. Someone with a good mood, that passes under it, gets a good portion of good luck....someone with a bad mood, gets bad luck....etc...etc.. :lol::lol::unsure::( hmmmmmm...I think its unlimited luck, as it is refilled each evening.


I see Moose Drool in the fridge, so I had good luck poured on me...... :D


I Found a HUGE Horseshoe at Rancho Los Alamitos (Long Beach) where they have Shires (Draft Horses) and brought it home with me. I hung it open end up and have Good Luck for the 19 years we've owned the House. Just sayin'




Rye, why dunt yu be different and hang tha thing sideways...... :D:D :D


Not to beat a dead horse.... pun intended.... Hang it the right way "UP" or all your luck falls out. Should look something like this here: U

Just my $.02, YMMV.


Up catches good luck and down shield your building from bad luck and you should have a 5 pointed star "big enough to see from the road" high over it to ward off any witches that come by. This is especially needed on your barns as witches will capture the spirt of your horses.


Hang one of each. :huh:

Have heard it both ways. But mostly up to hold it in.




For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.


Rye, why dunt yu be different and hang tha thing sideways...... :D:D :D

:lol: Leave it to you to think of that!! ;)


UP, or put it back on the horse.


A quest to solve another of the great mysteries of the universe! It will forever be like the mystery of which way to wear spur leathers!


Blackfoot :ph34r:


Us here in West Texas hang a horseshoe on a trace chain to see if the wind is blowing. Don't matter if its upside down or the other way...

Most folks nowadays don't know what a trace chain is.


I believe the main thing is that you have to use a first generation Colt to drive the nails like they did in the old movies.


Drive one nail halfway into the wall above the doorway. Hang the horseshoe over the nail. Open the door and walk through, the vibration causes the horseshoe to rotate, falling on your head. What could be more lucky? ^_^


Most folks nowadays don't know what a trace chain is.

Really Noz??? I thought most people still remember what a trace chain is. A few OLD cowboys I knew as a kid would tie a trace chain link on the end of their catch rope to kill rattlers.

Im not brave enough for that so I shoot them. (The rattlers not to old cowboys) :lol:

I didn't mean to hijack this discussion so Ive always hang a horse shoe like this U


Rye, an important piece of information. If you age going to hang a horseshoe above the door, be CERTAIN TO REMOVE THE HORSE FIRST. If you don't he is going to get really testy.

Badger, you're gonna take all the fun out if hanging horseshoes!! Personally Ive been acquainted with a few horses I would love to hang and not by their shoes...

  • 2 weeks later...

I hung a mule shoe.

It's smaller.

It's cute.

The coal mines used bank mules and they were kind of diminutive little things but they'd pull the guts out from under a mountain if you could harness 'em up to it.


My wife is from Muleshoe (Texas) and at the last HS reunion they gave everyone a muleshoe. I have it hanging by my flintlock.

and they are sort of cute..


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