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Widder, SASS #59054

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If any of you Pards and Pardettes have been using my email (work) to contact me during the past few years, it will no longer be valid.


I don't have a new email yet except for those who have contacted me thru my daughters email.


Please, for future contacts, just send me a PM.


YEEHAW! I may find time to actually PRACTICE alittle this spring and summer.


HEY KORUPT KARL: this doesn't mean that you still can't call me everyday. You have my home phone #.



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Retirement promotes a different way of thinking.

I have all new routines now.

Miss the $$, but I'm glad I'm done.

Have fun.



Congratulations !! I look forward to the day.

Guest Hoss Carpenter, SASS Life 7843

YEA HAW Widder! congrats on your Retirement. I know you have been looking forward to it. Now I can be the first to invite you to join the RCS ("Retired Cowboy Shooters) here in the Chattanooga area! We look forward to having you at some of our monthly shoots!


Widder, I have been retired now for 14 + years (yea I know, I am old) and enjoyed almost every day. The secret to a fun retirement is to stay busy at doing things you enjoy doing; and some you do not but have to do (In my case , yard work and housework) I do know you are going to be busy shooting, Practicing and making Widder-Matics.


I will be glad when it warms up and I start to see you at some CAS Matches.


Cheers Hoss


Just be careful that honey do list may make you want to go back to work






Congrats! on the best life time achievement award of them all.


Capt RHK


Congratulations to ya Widder..

Ya done good..

Ya get ta put yer watch away..

Don't have ta wear it unless ya want..

Everydays a Saturday...

All the days will run together..

You'll have ta ask yer significant other "What day is it?"



Thinkin it's a "Good Life " glad ya made it!!


Congratulations Widder. Retirement is not all its cracked up to be.....





Its better.


Congrats , cowboy! :D:D


When I called over at the your old office this morning the pard that answered said that some real work was now going to get done :D :D


Congrats on your retirement and like others have told ya just make sure you stay active each day or else the cobwebs'll kanker up yore mind cells.


Hopefully the Bunkhouse Boss won't have too big of a list fer ya each week.




Now you can work on being a Jedi Retiree! Let me know if you need coaching.


Enjoy, Pard.


You're as fast as you are and you don't PRACTICE?!? :blink:


I imagine you'll be even faster now.



Congrats, Widder.







Congratulations Widder!


Don't worry to much about the "honey dos" as with a little creativity you can spread them out a bit....that way you save em up to do two or three right before you go out for a day long shoot. That is the secret to my being able to head out to go shooting, and maybe her secret to getting stuff done! :lol:


Congratulations Widder!!!!!!! Wishing all the best to you and yours. Sure hope we can meet one of these days. Enjoy! Ace


Howdy and CONGRATS pard,

What I did is I bought some kids blocks with letters on them.

I put them on the shelf in the living room and spell out the day with them.

I change them while makin my morning coffee.


I also have asked the Reactor watch folks to make me a watch with DAY on it.

Just time and DAY. Then I wouldn't have to reset the date ever couple months.

You may find that the day of the week is more important.


I do have to know when the weekend comes as that's when pards with jobs are around....

And ya might want to keep track of garbage pickup...




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