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Do we have the right to kill this guy?

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If a person decides to act violently against a nation that respects its laws and the freedom provided by those laws, a nation that has proven itself as a giver of help (and blood and lives) to other nations, and as a nation that makes extraordinary moves to tolerate other beliefs, values and cultures, then that person is evil. That person cannot be rehabilitated. That person cannot be tolerated in our society. That person has chosen to act in a way that they should expect dire punishment.

The punishment should be quick, deliberate and final. It should be an example to others that might entertain similar evil ideas.

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Give him a fair trial and then kill him.


If he's dead, he can't harm anyone else. If he's dead, he can't escape. If he's dead, he can't proselytize to his fellow inmates and convert someone that is actually more competent and effective than he and his brother were.


Truth be told, I don't know why he was allowed to be captured alive. His 'going out in a blaze of glory' would have been a 5 minute blurb on the news and everyone would have forgotten him by now. Letting him go to trial gives him a soap box, an international audience to play to an lots and lots of press coverage to get his message out.


As for the martyr aspect, I say that's a moot point. These folks don't need any more motivation to attack us because they are going to do it anyhow. They might claim an attack takes place because of his execution but that's just for propaganda purposes.

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Make him a martyr. Imagine his shock when he finds that the promised 77 virgins is actually one 77 year old virgin.

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Lots of astute and well-spoken/reasoned solutions here. I most like the idea to "Fry 'em"..... but let's be sure to make it known to the world that they were fried in BACON GREASE !

I nominate "Blackjack" Pershing for Secretary of State.....

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Make him a martyr. Imagine his shock when he finds that the promised 77 virgins is actually one 77 year old virgin.

Or 77 Virginians like in the old joke.


I figger he wouldn't enjoy meeting William Washington (the 6'6" cousin of George that was a cavalry leader during the Revolution) or any of the other Founding Fathers from the great state of Virginia.

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Posted · Hidden by Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217, January 14, 2015 - Too lurid, profane for this forum.
Hidden by Allie Mo, SASS No. 25217, January 14, 2015 - Too lurid, profane for this forum.

I fully support the death penalty if he is convicted in a court of law. Now, if he is found guilty and the death penalty is allowed I think we should be a little more creative in how it is done. How can this be done so as to deter or at least show others of the same mindset that it will not go well for them. What is the ultimate form of death that would bring the most humiliation, shame and embarrassment to his family and his religion. I think we should put him in a pig pen with some rabid pigs and let them do what they do best. Cruel and unusal punishment, you bet it is....but this is a cruel and unusual crime.

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We all deplore the actions of terrorists. However, graphic/lurid descriptions of their demise are not suitable for the forum of a family oriented sport.


From the Guidelines for closing a thread, "Contains good and valuable information but is heading in a non-productive direction."







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