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Las Vegas NASCAR

Jackaroo, # 29989

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Been trying to get to a Nascar event for some years now but always on a shoot weekend. However the weekend after W Range there is one in LV. Any cowboys in NV who are fans are going along to this? We'd like to go but would prefer going with someone or others who knows the ropes !

Like where's the guest place, to sit, tickets, complimentaries would be a bonus....:) etc.

Could be fun.


IMA GONNA be shootin the weekend after Winter Range.


I'll give you this advise though...... Go early (And I mean EARLY) and stay late.

The raceway is on the north side of town and they close off one lane of the interstate just for the traffic to the raceway. It is the only road in and out of the place.


A shooter friend of mine and his wife go there each year for the spring races. PM me and I'll give you his email address and phone number. Warning...you'll spend ALL weekend at the races if you go with them.


IMA GONNA be shootin the weekend after Winter Range.


I'll give you this advise though...... Go early (And I mean EARLY) and stay late.

The raceway is on the north side of town and they close off one lane of the interstate just for the traffic to the raceway. It is the only road in and out of the place.



Ace, Smoke Jensen and his wife stay downtown. They go out LV Blvd and get on Nellis. He said traffic isn't that bad going that way.


The I-15 traffic is backed up all the way to downtown.

Nellis traffic is only backed up for about 3 miles


Getting out of there can take some time.


Ace, I15 is backed up all the time unless you use it 3 am. When we left for home after Eldorado I thought we might have to find a parking lot to stay at over night just getting out of Vegas. And I really don't want to give you my opinion on SLC. Took us 3 hours to get through that zoo.


Hey! You should have stayed and shot with us the next weekend! :)


Hey! You should have stayed and shot with us the next weekend! :)


Couldn't. We'd been gone for 2 weeks by then and Smoke's wife would have been quite unhappy if we'd have made it 3. Plus I had to get back and finish taking care of an estate of a relative that passed away and I got picked to be in charge of handling the whole package.


We always stay downtown. Quicker in and out and not as loony as The Strip. And yeah, stay off I-15. :rolleyes:


If after 500 miles of racing most of the cars are on the same lap, it isn't a race. It's a parade designed to glean money from sponsors. I've tried to like NASCAR but it seems little more than a 2 hour advertise fest followed by a 10 lap race.


It would be nice if NASCAR stopped being a packaged product and became racing again. Daytona is only 2 hours away and I might go some day for the experience. But by the time my wife and I pay for gas, ticket and lunch at the track, we will be spending $500. Besides, if I want to see what happened at the race, all I need to do is tune in for the last 10 laps.


I'm not trying to slam NASCAR. I just remember when it was more of a race and less of a packaged product.


I like NASCAR but I can't sit and watch a whole race. I'll record the race watch the 1st 10 or so laps then watch something else like a good western or comedy. Once in a while switch back to the race to see what's happening and go back to what I was watching instead. Then I usually try to watch the last 15-20 laps. I cannot stand short track races, but I do enjoy the road course ones.


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