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Congress going after kids firearm-branded clothes

Charlie T Waite

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Well, seems like waste of time and oxygen.



Ive long thought that every class should have a field trip to the rifle range.

A class in how guns work, how truly dangerous they are and how no bullet ever

gets to be called back would remove the mystery from guns.

REal guns as opposed to guns used in movies where each shot is scripted.

I remember being introduced to guns when I was maybe five or six years old.

I had realistic cap guns (see Nichols Stallions on Ebay) and shooting caps

was very different from shooting 22s.

When kids aren't given real hands on experience the odds of tragedy sure goes up.

This whole mentality of keeping kids in the dark is so ill advised.

City Folk, whataya gonna do?




OK. If they want to 'ban child-sized clothing branded by shooting groups such as the National Rifle Association, or with of the logos of gun makers.', then they must ban t-shirts and caps from RAP music as much of the lyrics are offensive and talk about anti-social topics. Just saying...


OK. If they want to 'ban child-sized clothing branded by shooting groups such as the National Rifle Association, or with of the logos of gun makers.', then they must ban t-shirts and caps from RAP music as much of the lyrics are offensive and talk about anti-social topics. Just saying...



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