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Washington Redskins

Rye Miles #13621

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This has happened once before to the Redskins, I guess we'll see what happens this time!


Are the Cleveland Indians, Chief Wahoo next??


:blink: Rye

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Who are the Cleveland Indians???


Just kidding Rye....Jim....hope they are not Comanches...

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I suspect the gay community will have an issue with "The Packers"


The short folks with "The Giants"


the incontinent folks with "The Browns"


The AA folks with "The Brewers"


Oh yeah what's with this place called The "Cracker" Barrel aimed at country folks, I take offense to that




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No comment. Nope.

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At least we know what an Indian is......what's an Astro???? Jim

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At least we know what an Indian is......what's an Astro???? Jim



They were the first victims of this political correctness BULL CRAP!! They were originally the Colt 45s!!!

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Oh NO! I just found out that we have a state that is just as offensive. A state called "Red People" in the Choctaw tongue.


Oklahoma is "disparaging to Native Americans"!


Congress and the President need to stop working on all other problems and insist on changing the names of the state Oklahoma and the team Washington Redskins.


I was born in Oklahoma. Why am I not an Native American?

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crock of $hit

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It all started 6 years ago.

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It all started 6 years ago.


It has been going on longer than that.

This anti-gun crapola has been going on since JFK days and earlier.

But the generalized BS from washington has been going on a lot longer.


However you are right that the localized BS field from washington has gotten a lot more intense 6 years ago.

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On the Washington Redskins issue, the canceling of the trademark doesn't go into effect until the appeals are over so this could take a long time.


And it really isn't like anyone really cares.


Moreover if this appeal has any legal precedence type stuff involved, it has already been reversed once.

So why would it be approved or sustained a second time.


Why is it that we hear only about congress disliking it and government entities disliking it and not hearing anything from actually offended "redskins".

(please substitute whatever politically correct baloney term for "redskins" that you like.

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I'm voting that they change them to the Washington Pieles rojas


I'm going after the Vikings next...it's an insult to us Norsk people

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I suspect the gay community will have an issue with "The Packers"


The short folks with "The Giants"


the incontinent folks with "The Browns"


The AA folks with "The Brewers"


Oh yeah what's with this place called The "Cracker" Barrel aimed at country folks, I take offense to that







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I suspect the gay community will have an issue with "The Packers"


The short folks with "The Giants"


the incontinent folks with "The Browns"


The AA folks with "The Brewers"


Oh yeah what's with this place called The "Cracker" Barrel aimed at country folks, I take offense to that




and the anti- flag folks with "The Patriots"

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Oh NO! I just found out that we have a state that is just as offensive. A state called "Red People" in the Choctaw tongue.


Oklahoma is "disparaging to Native Americans"!


Congress and the President need to stop working on all other problems and insist on changing the names of the state Oklahoma and the team Washington Redskins.


I was born in Oklahoma. Why am I not an Native American?

I live in Creek Nation, Indian Territory... ...is that better??? ;)

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How about the Pittsburgh Pirates? Do we really want our kids rooting for murderers and thieves?? How about the Milwaukee Brewers?? Kids looking up to people making that nasty stuff, beer?? Let's not forget the San Diego Padres, isn't that discriminatory to Jews, Muslims, atheists etc.?? L A Angels??? Not everyone believes in angels now c'mon!!


This is ridiculous liberal nonsense that's not gonna stop EVER!!! :angry:






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They've been trying to get the Atlanta Braves to change their name for years. And the "chop" is also politically incorrect and not to be encouraged. When I was a kid, they had Chief Knockahoma as their mascot.


I think a well planned counter suit for legal expenses might be in order.

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To my way of thinking. If the OWNER likes the name, then that is what they should be called. Why should anyone be able to tell you what you should call your business.

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K.C. Chiefs and the tomma-hawk chop. Bob riding Warpaint after a touchdown. I guess they will have to change the name of the town I live near by. Warsaw, Missouri since it is offensive to all the Pollocks in Poland. Geee, guess we could keep going for ever :wacko:

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POOP! People offended by offended people



Only good thing I have been noticing is that the Springfield(Missouri) News Leader is a relatively leftist paper but their political editorial cartoons have been vigorously anti Obama lately.

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Then Notre Dame will have to change their name.....the FIGHTING IRISH.


As an American of Irish heritage, I am deeply offended by the MERE idea that all Irish like to fight. Not true!!!! Not true by a LOOOOONG shot.


............many of us much prefer to drink. :wacko:


Just sayin'.




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