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Cops and Cowboys Ohio

Rye Miles #13621

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This Sat. May 31 is our annual Cops & Cowboys shoot. All proceeds go to the Ohio Search Dog Association which is a non-profit all volunteer org. These people rely on donations only. We ask for $15.00 but you can pay whatever you'd like over and above that amount.


5 Stages, pistol 100 rounds, rifle 100 rounds, shotgun 30+ rounds. Cops use they're duty guns and semi-auto rifles and shotguns. Cowboy use cowboy stuff. Wild Bunch will be okay for Cowboys as well.



Safety meeting (mandatory) at 9:30 am


You can print out the form at firelandspeacemakers.com and bring it or just show up!!!


This is a fun shoot :)


C'mon and check out the awesome rescue dogs. ;)



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That sounds like fun.

I'd pay $15 in gold just to watch! Plus it sounds like like a real worthy cause.

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Can't shoot that weekend but will be down to donate to the prize table.

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I would assume the cops all have to shoot reloads with lead bullets?

Nope, factory stuff unless they reload their own. We do allow jacketed just for this match.



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Hi Folks:

If you can help set up for the Cops vs Cowboys shoot this Saturday, we are setting up Friday after 3pm.

We appreciate any help you can give us.


Apps can be found at:



Thanks folks


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This is the 11th annual match, c'mon let's make it a good one. Great cause!!!


weatherman says 74 and SUNNY!!! B) Rye

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This sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it's an eye opener for the Cops. Who would imagine an old six shooter going that fast.

Usually the top cowboy beats the top cop!!! They use semi-autos…. rifle and pistol. Their semi-auto shotguns are stoked with 4. There is a really good shooter from Cleveland Police that won overall a couple years but not by much!! It is a hoot!!


Rye :D

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We only had 28 shooters…8 cops…there was a lot of shoots around this weekend and a town close by had a match for police. Well, we had fun anyway…scores will be coming on the website soon. We raised $450.00 for the Ohio Search Dog Association. They also made another $450.00 in food and t-shirts plus a generous $100.00 donation by Brushwood. They were happy. They're all volunteer so if ya ever have one of they're dogs rescue you from a disaster situation remember that. They just came back from a rescue mission from the mudslides in Colorado!


Rye ;)

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