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Help! Police!

Rye Miles #13621

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Stupid, stoopid, stupid!!!


And that, folks, is why the jails are so full.

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I once had someone report that thier entire stash had been ripped off, 2 pounds. Back in the day, he had enough residue to charge him for possession and when we found the dope who stole the dope he was charged with burglary and possession. Two for oner! Can't fix stupid....

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Yawnnn....stretch....it's legal in WA now so we can finally ignore that stuff now.... It is kinda funny finding it in some arrestees pockets now and just tossing it and their pipe into the bag with the rest of their property

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Wahhhaaa………my pot's bad and this McDonald's coffee is too hot!!!

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She needs to re-locate to Boulder. They probably have a victim's advocate to help out stoners who have been abused like that. Oy!

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