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~Say a Prayer for our friend~

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Please say a prayer for a fellow shooter and friend of ours Deadly Dave (Partee) who was injured today.


Dave was injured this morning when a piece of steel
they were lifting in the overhead crane slipped free
of the clamps and fell. From what I have heard, Dave
received a heavy blow from the falling steel. He
suffered a cut on the right side of his head and face,
plus a broken leg.
He was life-flighted to Evansville Deacons Hospital
and is on the fourth floor. He underwent a CAT scan
but I have no results at this time.
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Prayers up for a healing.Please give us a update when you hear.

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Prayer on the way!


Furball and co.

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Update from Really Bad Bounty Hunter.

1: The rear of his scalp was cut from ear to ear
2: His left leg is broken in two places, one break
in each of his left leg bones. His left heel may
also be broken. They plan on taking X-rays Monday
after the swelling resends a little.
3: He lost four pints of blood by the time he reached
the Mt. Carmel hospital where they stopped the flow
and transferred him to Evansville by helicopter.
4: They plan on operating on his leg Monday. It will
require at least one steel plate due to the damage
to the bone.
5: Dave is complaining about his hand hurting a lot. It
also had a deep cut. (I suppose it is his left hand as
that was the side that received the broken bones.
6: They removed the tube that has been in his throat since
the accident and he is now able to talk.
OK, That is all I have on his condition at this time. I told
Diane to tell him to get well in a hurry because we have
a cowboy shoot tomorrow. He said he would try real hard.
But, I doubt if he really is, he has always like the attention
of the pretty gals..
PS: He can cross riding in a Helicopter off his “Bucket List”...
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Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery!!

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Skeeterbite and I just got home from visiting Deadly Dave and Lady Ranger Di

He is stable and still in ICU

bruised up cut up a little, but not other internal injuries other than a severely fractured leg.

He will have surgery on his leg Monday to put a few pcs of steel in it and the healing process will begin.


He seemed to be in a decent amount of pain and didn't have a whole lot to say.

He did say to let Bullskinner know he would not be in Effingham tomorrow to shoot.


On the Helicopter ride, he doesn't remember anything about it as he was out.


Keep praying that his pain goes away asap and all goes well on his leg surgery Monday.


Told him he had made the Wire and he got a chuckle out of that.

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Wow, thanks for the update. Prayers continuing for his healing. I wonder how we can get a posse to come visit him in the hospital? Hmmm.


He is in ICU right now and they only allow three people in the room at a time. Might have to wait until he gets out of ICU


No visitors from 6am-8am and 6pm-8pm

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Saw Dave earlier today.

He looked a whole lot better. Said he is still in pain, but not as bad as it was. He is scheduled to have surgery on his leg tomorrow and prayers needed for all to get well.

He is no longer in ICU and was more talkative now

His wife, Lady Ranger Di said they really are blessed and mainly have some cuts and bruises and a broken leg to deal with.


Everyone please keep them in your prayers that all goes well tomorrow and there is a speedy recovery.



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Snake, tell him we missed him at the shoot. We said a cowboy prayer for him.

As an aside, we all signed a get well card for him that No Horse Hair will deliver.

And tell him Ol' Bull missed Lady Di ..... Oh and him too. ;):lol:

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Just saw this thread.

Standing up on my knees for the man and for his family.

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