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Looks like a GREAT DAY in Colorado

Widder, SASS #59054

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no one has mentioned anything but it sure looks like a good day in Colorado concerning the 'possible' future of gun rights, etc........






Well, it's on Team SASS and in the Saloon, but might as well have it here too! I am one happy Colorado native this morning... :D:D


Hats off to you fine folks... I sure wish we could muster that kind of support here in California. We have a few legislators that need to be put into the Unemployment Line.




Yee Hawww!!! Yes, let's hope the virus moves it's way west this time. Our CA politicians need a wake up call, but they ain't gonna get it till the San Franciso and LA voters get room temperature (or above) IQs.


I thought Wisconsin this the last two years set a great example of voter "enlightentment". These CO votes added to that!


We are very happy. I live just east of Colorado Springs so could not vote. But we supported it all the way.


Next is the governor!


Painted Filly


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